عيون العرب - ملتقى العالم العربي

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المحادثة بين Mystic River و نَفسْ.
عرض رسائل الزوار 1431 إلى 1440 من 1468
  1. نَفسْ.
    07-20-2016 01:18 AM - permalink
    ok as you want
    but i meant myself at the last message not you
  2. Mystic River
    07-20-2016 01:18 AM - permalink
    Mystic River
    By the way thank you for this lovely conversation
    I liked it a lot and I was stunned by the way you think
    Not because it's weird or something
    But because I didn't expect to actually talk to a person who has this amazing and really important ideas
    Let's do it again
    I wish you all the best
  3. Mystic River
    07-20-2016 01:15 AM - permalink
    Mystic River
    Hahahah okay let's stop now and save the rest for another time
  4. نَفسْ.
    07-20-2016 01:14 AM - permalink
    yah i feel like that too
  5. Mystic River
    07-20-2016 01:11 AM - permalink
    Mystic River
    Of course
    But... Idk I think I spoke too much
  6. نَفسْ.
    07-20-2016 01:08 AM - permalink
    i believe that God is everything and everywhere
    the god is inside us we just need to look more carefully to sea it
  7. Mystic River
    07-20-2016 01:02 AM - permalink
    Mystic River
    My God is the one and only
    But their became the matter and their lust and whatever they want to do whatever their feel they want
    It has become their own desires
  8. نَفسْ.
    07-20-2016 12:49 AM - permalink
    wait what you mean by worship their god
    their god is yours right.?
  9. Mystic River
    07-20-2016 12:44 AM - permalink
    Mystic River
    I think i'm getting a violation for what I just said
  10. Mystic River
    07-20-2016 12:42 AM - permalink
    Mystic River
    That's why I never speak what's inside my head
    It's a cruel world beautiful minds can't live in
    Only the corrupted one's
    ?You know why
    Because the controlling minds of the system of the world is corrupted
    If I said what's in my head right now I would be killed under the charge of being a heathen
    Why? Because I didn't want to worship their God
    ?You know what's the most of the community's God
    It's matter

الساعة الآن 01:20 PM.

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