عيون العرب - ملتقى العالم العربي

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المحادثة بين Mystic River و نَفسْ.
عرض رسائل الزوار 1441 إلى 1450 من 1468
  1. نَفسْ.
    07-20-2016 12:34 AM - permalink
    i'm still confused 'cause you can say that hole
    the world judge me for only this one mind
    actually i was wondering what if i said the the other minds from
    the dark said of my head what people would do, probably they gona kill me
  2. Mystic River
    07-20-2016 12:27 AM - permalink
    Mystic River
    Probably yes but I'm not the one who have to judge me i may be a little bit not fair
    And welcome anytime
  3. نَفسْ.
    07-20-2016 12:19 AM - permalink
    so by that you saying that your not one of them
    and you understand the main of the univers
  4. Mystic River
    07-20-2016 12:13 AM - permalink
    Mystic River
    Yeah somehow not directly
    Maybe most of them don't understand the beauty of contradiction
    No need to thank me
    It's okay you have all the time
  5. نَفسْ.
    07-19-2016 05:33 PM - permalink
    so you saying that you using some roads to built yours
    at the first i wasn't talking about any roads i was just wondering
    why all people loves the stars and hate the dark sky
    when they known that the stars is an ugly planets without the dark
    thanks for caring and i'm sorry for late
    i need the time for understanding
  6. Mystic River
    07-19-2016 05:17 AM - permalink
    Mystic River
    That's why you need to build your own
    You have no commitments to choose between a certain road
    If you don't like any just build your own
  7. Mystic River
    07-19-2016 02:44 AM - permalink
    Mystic River
    I'm sorry for the late response but I was very busy
    And for your information
    I'm not really taking a good road or a bad one
    I have my own and I will be on it until I build a better one or until I die
    The whole reason I'm still living now is to. Accomplish my own legendary road
  8. Mystic River
    07-19-2016 02:21 AM - permalink
    Mystic River
    I didn't
    "And others chose to be between "
    That's what I said earlier
    There's something between
    ?And I think you are in between am i wrong
    + I don't think that there's something between I know that there's something between And I'm sure about it
  9. نَفسْ.
    07-18-2016 09:35 PM - permalink
    everybody saying there's only good and bad
    why no one ever think that maybe there's something else
    something between them
  10. Mystic River
    07-18-2016 01:42 AM - permalink
    Mystic River
    We were born with good and evil but in the beginning the good surpass the evil
    With life and getting older we will decide what surpass another in ourselves
    So the human nature is the purity the goodness
    You shouldn't be someone you don't want to be
    You have the choice to be whatever you want
    But is it good or evil
    You have to talk to yourself into this

الساعة الآن 10:05 AM.

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