عيون العرب - ملتقى العالم العربي

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المحادثة بين Akatsuki mahmoud و كلوديا#
عرض رسائل الزوار 111 إلى 120 من 597
  1.  Akatsuki mahmoud
    10-31-2014 06:16 PM - permalink
    Akatsuki mahmoud
    iam not afraid but i hate school
  2. كلوديا#
    10-31-2014 06:12 PM - permalink
    But if you're smart you do not need to fear
  3.  Akatsuki mahmoud
    10-31-2014 06:10 PM - permalink
    Akatsuki mahmoud
    you know exam
  4. كلوديا#
    10-31-2014 06:03 PM - permalink
  5.  Akatsuki mahmoud
    10-31-2014 05:35 PM - permalink
    Akatsuki mahmoud
    hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh iam sad
  6. كلوديا#
    10-31-2014 05:24 PM - permalink
    Me to me to
    I have an exam in
  7.  Akatsuki mahmoud
    10-31-2014 05:18 PM - permalink
    Akatsuki mahmoud
    great my examines is 16/11
  8. كلوديا#
    10-31-2014 05:15 PM - permalink
    My school is good too
  9.  Akatsuki mahmoud
    10-31-2014 05:09 PM - permalink
    Akatsuki mahmoud
    thank you how you your school too?
  10. كلوديا#
    10-31-2014 05:07 PM - permalink
    Well done my little brother I am proud of you

الساعة الآن 03:46 PM.

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