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المحادثة بين Niko_chan و The King Of My Kingdom
عرض رسائل الزوار 11 إلى 20 من 48
  1. The King Of My Kingdom
    12-09-2016 04:48 PM - permalink
    The King Of My Kingdom
    This is not an honor for me Fiona
  2. Niko_chan
    12-09-2016 04:08 PM - permalink
    Oh alright

    No I don't mean that

    So welcome to my novel
    I'll wait for your super reply
    Be my guest shrek^.^
  3. The King Of My Kingdom
    12-09-2016 03:31 PM - permalink
    The King Of My Kingdom
    But at least the novel and invitation invite Albart
    I also follow from a time
    So not welcome me in your novel ???
  4. Niko_chan
    12-09-2016 03:07 PM - permalink
    you are not one of my follow up that what i guess
  5. The King Of My Kingdom
    12-09-2016 02:34 PM - permalink
    The King Of My Kingdom
    You are a criminal
    You are under arrest for not notify me of benzene Bart novel
  6. Niko_chan
    11-24-2016 08:13 PM - permalink
    لا اخي مو باكا انت باكا كبييير واخي باكا صغير هههه
  7. The King Of My Kingdom
    11-24-2016 07:38 PM - permalink
    The King Of My Kingdom
    هـــــاي أنا مش باكا أخوك اللي باكا أنا لا
  8. Niko_chan
    11-24-2016 07:31 PM - permalink
    اهلين شريك الباكا الكبير
    انا بخير وانت ياباكا؟
  9. The King Of My Kingdom
    11-24-2016 07:30 PM - permalink
    The King Of My Kingdom
    هلا فيونا كيف حالك ؟؟؟؟؟ :77:
  10. Niko_chan
    11-23-2016 10:21 PM - permalink
    اه خلاص علشانك بس^.^

الساعة الآن 12:49 PM.

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