المحادثة بين Niko_chan و The King Of My Kingdom
عرض رسائل الزوار 1 إلى 10 من 48
i'm so so so so so so sorry
ki ki i'm sorry i was angry and i lost controle
Bye bye shrek
And i hate youuuu
I know that hhhhh
i have to go
see you later fiona
ilove you
i'm just kidding whit you
I'll kill you
My phone fall out so tell me who i can say something-_-
But before you fall Tell me something
-_- i know that shrek
My phone charge it's fall out at 4:48
so i leave without said any thing
If you want to go out tell me that, rather than to stay and speak on my own like mad
I'm kidding
This an honor for me