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قديم 09-19-2022, 04:19 AM
Own A Store In Sala Bianca With 10% Installment Up To 6 Years

Sala Bianca Administrative Capital

Features of Sala Bianca Mall Administrative Capital
Modern technology has certainly imposed itself on the real estate arena, and RFCO Development has been able to enter it in different forms in Sala Bianca Mall, and this increases the difference in the place and the quality that the pale unit will obtain.

And this is not the only feature in the place, but there are many unique features that will increase the beauty of Sala Bianca and make it easier for visitors and business owners as well, but add a lot of comfort to the worker and within the work environment in the place.

Here are the most important advantages of Sala Blanca Mall New Capital:

The presence of large green spaces in the vicinity of the mall, which are fully equipped with seats and places to sit, so that you can enjoy a degree of calm and enjoy this wonderful view.
In addition, the place is close to the large green river park, which creates a wonderful view of many units in the place.
Also, Sala Bianca is close to the Mohammed bin Zayed axis, which makes it easy for visitors from several places to reach it.
Different spaces in the place for the shops and commercial units displayed in it, which help in making the place more distinguished and give an opportunity for the customer to choose the most suitable space for him.
A wonderful architectural design with many exquisite engineering details gives a better shape to the place.
It is distinguished that the place is surrounded by a high population because it is located in the seventh residential district within the capital.

Sala Bianca Mall New Capital services
Sala Bianca Mall New Capital is one of the important projects that RFCO Development has launched in the market and worked to make the place very special with many engineering details as well as services and benefits that help customers work better inside the mall.

The services of Sala Bianca are one of the things that the developer has taken care of in the place because it is one of the cornerstones that contribute to a very good work environment and provides a greater opportunity for customers to develop their products and also reach the dreams that they seek in their projects.
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الساعة الآن 07:54 PM.

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