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قديم 09-19-2022, 07:11 AM
Buy Your Store Starting From 75m² in 4T4 New Capital

4T4 Mall New Capital

Unit types and their different spaces in 4T4 Mall
4T4 Tower New Administrative Capital is a wonderful investment project that has been planned differently and distinctly to attract a large segment of customers and investors. It is built on a large area of ​​about 2,600 square meters, most of which occupies a picturesque landscape of gardens, parks, artificial fountains that dazzle the eye, and other basic and recreational services.

The rest of the project has been allocated to various buildings and units between commercial, administrative, and medical, with various spaces, from which the customer chooses what suits his taste and needs. We will explain the division of the mall and the spaces inside it through the following:

4T4 Mall in the New Administrative Capital consists of a ground floor and 10 upper floors.
The commercial space on the ground floor starts from 32 m² up to 72 m², and on the first floor ranges from 40 m² up to 82 m².
The spaces of the medical units on the second floor start from 24 square meters, up to 68 square meters.
Administrative office spaces on the third to tenth floors start from 36 square meters and reach 72 square meters.
Click here for comprehensive information about the best compounds in the New Administrative Capital

Prices and payment systems in 4T4 Mall in the New Administrative Capital
Do not hesitate and join the customers of 4T4 Mall in the new administrative capital to get the true meaning of luxury and success at the highest level of sophistication and luxury!

The real estate developer offers a variety of services and great benefits that meet the different needs of customers and entrepreneurs, and has been keen to offer very competitive prices, which are evident through the following:

The average price per square meter for shops on the ground floor starts from 120,000 EGP, and 40,000 EGP for those on the first floor, with a discount of up to 22.5%.
The average price per square meter for administrative offices starts from 27,000 EGP.
The average price per square meter for medical units starts from 20,000 EGP.
The customer gets a 10% discount on the medical and administrative units.

With regard to the payment systems announced by the executing company of 4T4 Mall in the New Administrative Capital; It was easy and flexible so that customers would not find any difficulty in the payment process, as follows:

The customer pays a contract provider 10% of the unit value, and the rest of the amount is paid in equal installments over 6 years without interest.
The customer pays a contract provider 15% of the unit value, and the rest of the amount is paid in equal installments over 7 years without interest.
The customer pays a contract provider 20% of the unit value, and the rest of the amount is paid in equal installments over 8 years without interest.
For the seriousness of the reservation, 20,000 Egyptian pounds will be paid for administrative and medical units to be recovered, 50,000 Egyptian pounds for shops, and 100,000 Egyptian pounds for the pharmacy.
What are you waiting for to get your special unit inside 4T4 Tower New Capital? for more details; Connect with us!
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