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قديم 09-19-2022, 03:01 PM
For sale in the highest Malls of the fifth Settlement at 31 North

31 North Tower

31 North Tower New Administrative Capital
As the first Festival Tower in New Administrative Capital, 31 North Tower Project, one of the city's distinctive projects, was launched by Nile Development, which is well known and the tower carries more than an important competitive advantage.

The reason for the name 31 North Tower is that it is 131 meters longmany units start start from 31 square meters in it. The design of the place is similar to the Burj Khalifa in Dubai and there are many beautiful engineering decorations inside 31 North Tower Mall.

Also, the developer of 31 North Tower New Administrative Capital, learned that it contains many types of units, spaces, and also prices in order to have a truly different experience in the place, and in the following paragraphs, a detailed explanation of the rest of the information about 31 North New Capital... so follow us

The location of 31 North Tower Project
New Administrative Capital is one of the places that the state has taken care of in the period, and it is one of the modern and developed projects within the scope of urban development within the state, and it has many important services of interest to investment men in particular and citizens in general.

New Administrative Capital has been considered one of the attractive places for investment in Egypt and the Middle East and provides many development opportunities that will make customers get many important things that help them progress in 31 North Tower.

The Downtown area in New Administrative Capital is one of the most important areas in the city that the state has supported with many different features that allow customers to have integrated projects in the place and develop them over time.

In addition, it is one of the pivotal areas in the capital, due to its proximity to several distinct areas in the capital, including residential neighborhoods and main hubs, as well as many major companies, so it was distinguished that Nile Development chose Downtown as the headquarters of the construction of 31 North Tower New Administrative Capital.

The location is one of the important features that the developer was keen on in the place and provided many important details in it. 31 North Tower is located close to the northern axis of Mohammed bin Zayed, which is one of the main roads in the capital and connects it to many distinctive areas in the capital.

Vital and distinctive places near 31 North Tower New Capital are as follows:

31 North New Administrative Capital is located on three main streets, meaning that it has more than one wonderful view on several sides of New Capital.
Also, 31 North Tower is not far from the tourist towers area in the capital.
The famous green river park near 31 North Mall that it has a charming view of it.
The government district is not far from Mall 31 North Tower New Administrative Capital, and the distance between them is estimated at a few minutes.
There is a short distance between the cold and the famous Al Masa Hotel in 31 North Tower New Capital.
Also, Mall 31 North Tower, is not far from the Heritage and Arts District, and it is also only five minutes away from the shopping district.
In addition, it is located near Misr Mosque.
As for the government district and the ministries district, they are a short distance from the Tower.
the tower is only 10 minutes away from New Administrative Capital Airport.
Also, 31 North Tower is located in the Downtown area, meaning that it is surrounded by a large number of important projects, including the Sixty Iconic Tower and Elevado Tower.
It is worth noting that there are more than the mentioned places surrounding the project from several sides and this allows the client to get a great deal of comfort and reach many visitors in a very short distance.
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