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قديم 09-19-2022, 05:14 PM
Own A Store In Eterna Healthcare City With 10% Installment Up To 6 Years

Eterna Healthcare City Mall

Features of Eterna HealthCare City
Many distinctive features distinguish Eterna Healthcare City New Cairo from other projects, the most important of which are the following:

Attractive strategic location near roads, important axes, vital places, and service facilities in the heart of New Cairo, as well as its presence in Mivida Emaar Compound, which provides the greatest degree of luxury and well-being for its residents in Eterna Healthcare City New Cairo.
The various units within Eterna Healthcare City are surrounded by a distinctive landscape of picturesque green spaces and dancing water fountains that provide a refreshing and relaxing atmosphere.
Customizing the Kids Area includes many fun games that entertain children and make them have a nice time.
Eterna Health Care City New Cairo is designed with amazing architectural styles that mimic their European counterparts, which are unique in their splendor and accuracy of execution.
Offering unbeatable prices compared to the services and benefits the customer receives, as well as payment systems that extend for many years to facilitate customers in Eterna Healthcare City.
Services available in Eterna Healthcare City New Cairo
Eterna offers you the opportunity to own the largest and exclusive analysis lab in Egypt, as well as to enjoy a range of countless services, the most prominent of which are the following:

Huge garages that can accommodate more than 1,000 cars, in order to prevent congestion inside Eterna Healthcare.
Open parking spaces and golf carts for easy transportation within the largest medical city in Fifth Settlement.
Taking care of the safety and security of customers by distributing highly trained guards everywhere, and installing many modern surveillance cameras that work non-stop to monitor all movements.
Eterna Health Care City offers online appointment booking services with doctors.
The presence of periodic cleaning and maintenance services that resolve all malfunctions immediately in Eterna Healthcare.
A group of high-end restaurants and cafes that serve delicious food and drinks in a quiet atmosphere.
A luxurious commercial area within Eterna Healthcare City New Cairo includes many stores that contain the most famous international brands that people with high taste are looking for, such as clothes, shoes, bags, cosmetics, accessories, and others.
A mosque designed in a distinctive Islamic style for performing various prayers.
Excellent customer service to answer customer inquiries and questions.
Medical clinics equipped with the latest medical devices, equipment, and treatment services to provide the greatest comfort for patients.
Eterna Health Care City New Cairo has doctors of all specialties working hard just for your safety.
Large pharmacies operate 24 hours a day to provide all kinds of medicines and treatment services.
Fire alarm systems that operate automatically when needed, as well as emergency exits.
Modern electric elevators are available for easy moving from one floor to another.
Units types and their different spaces in Eterna Healthcare City
Own your shop within a very limited number of exclusive commercial units that serve all Eterna units and hospitals!

El Motahedon Group implemented the project on a large space of ​​about 24,000 square meters with the aim of high profitability and a high return on investment, and it includes many charming landscapes of picturesque green gardens and wonderful waterfalls overlooked by the various units; Which gives an atmosphere of psychological comfort and calm and provides a suitable environment for patients and doctors to work in a comfortable place.
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