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قديم 09-21-2022, 03:01 PM
Store 250m² for sale in West Gate

Various services you can find at West Gate Business Mall's
large food court provide a convenient place to have your meal or favorite drink in peace in West Gate.
A range of restaurants and cafes that provide high-quality services inside West Gate Mall 6 October.
An internet service (WiFi) that serves all units and helps project owners to perform their work better.
Maintenance and housekeeping services that carry out periodic maintenance and cleaning of West Gate Mall October.
Electric elevators and electronic stairs facilitate the movement of visitors within West Gate Mall.
Electronic and secured gates inside West Gate to make the movement of exit and entry easier.
And because this place was designed according to international safety standards, an integrated fire extinguishing system was provided in the place in anticipation of any emergency.
A comprehensive security system maintains security and safety inside West Gate.
High-quality surveillance cameras are in West Gate Mall to provide reassurance to visitors.
A large garage that can accommodate many cars in order to reduce crowding or crowding in front of West Gate 6 October.
Browse More about Twin Houses for sale in 6 October City

Units space and types inside West Gate Business Hub 6th of October
This large edifice was built on a space of 4 acres, or more than 16,236 square meters, and that space has been elaborately designed and exploited in a good way to include a large group of units attached to all services that create a distinctive work environment for project owners in West Gate Mall 6 October.

West Gate Business Hub consists of (2 basement floors + ground floor + 2 consecutive floors) and inside the place, there are 2 various units, which are "commercial units, administrative units, and medical units" that vary in their areas from small, medium to large.

In the following lines, we will show you the available spaces for the units inside West Gate Mall October:

Administrative units space starts from 73 m² up to 151 m² in West Gate Mall October.
As for medical units and clinics, the area ranges from 43 square meters to 105 square meters.
As for the administrative units, their space starts from 23 square meters and reaches 251 square meters.
Browse Now Properties for sale in 6 October City

Prices and payment systems
The developer company has been keen to provide competitive and attractive prices to customers, accompanied by a convenient payment system and several facilities so that you can easily start your integrated project within West Gate 6 October Business Hub Project.

Let's get acquainted with those prices and payment systems in West Gate Mall 6 October:

The price per square meter in administrative units starts from 28.000 EGP.
And medical units in West Gate, the price per square meter starts from 30,000 EGP.
As for the price per square meter in commercial units, it starts from 40,000 EGP up to 65,000 EGP.
Payment plan: the customer can pay 40% of the unit price in advance and pay the rest over 3 years.
Paying a 10% downpayment, 10% upon receipt, and the rest in installments over 3 years within West Gate Mall.
Paying a 15% downpayment, 10% upon receipt, and the rest in installments over 4 years.
Paying a 15% downpayment, 5% down payment after one year, 10% upon receipt, and the rest in installments over 5 years.
A 7% maintenance deposit in West Gate Mall October.
The units will be delivered in 2022.
So, it is the golden opportunity to own your place and start your unique project inside the best mall inside 6th of October City, as it is an integrated place that provides you with a unique workplace that makes your business thrive and develop continuously.

Gates Developments, The owner Company
It is a major company in the field of real estate development with more than 25 years of experience, and it has done many important works, including West Gate 6 October Mall, which is one of its distinguished projects that is characterized by diversity and difference as it carries many advanced services.

The company’s strategy since the first day is to provide advanced engineering works that increase customer satisfaction and provide them with happiness and luxury within it so that they have a different and unique life, in addition to selecting areas to build projects to be the lightning of vital areas and main roads.

In the remainder of the paragraph, we will know the business record of the company as follows:

Audaz Mall New Administrative Capital.
Plaza Espana Mall Sheikh Zayed.
Catalan Compound New Capital.

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