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مواضيع عامة مواضيع عامة, مقتطفات, معلومات عامه, مواضيع ليس لها قسم معين.

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قديم 09-21-2022, 03:37 PM
Immediate Delivery with payment facilities over 4 years in Infinity New Capital

Infinity Tower New Administrative Capital

It is considered one of the largest and largest towers in New Administrative Capital. The project is an administrative and commercial tower established by Infinity Towers, one of the largest real estate development companies in Egypt, and has many successful projects.

Infinity Tower New Capital is distinguished by its strategic location, close to the most important vital places in New Administrative Capital and the main roads and axes.

Infinity Mall New Capital was built on a large space of ​​6,215 square meters, and the largest space was allocated for basic and recreational facilities and services, and a small space for construction and buildings. It is characterized by its remarkable architectural design that catches the eye.

As for the prices in Infinity, you will find what suits you, as the prices vary according to the units, in addition to the available payment systems of up to several years.

Seize the opportunity and book your unit in the Infinity Tower in the New Administrative Capital...

Find out about the best compounds in New Capital

The geographical location of Infinity Tower New Capital
The location has great importance to many investors and customers as it leads to an increase in the material return, and the Infinity Tower is located in MU 23 at the entrance to the capital from the direction of Suez Road, in the central business district, and on the axis of MU next to New Olympic City.

Infinity Tower New Capital is Near Al-Fattah Al-Aleem Mosque and the Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ.
Minutes away from the Diplomatic Quarter and the Green River.
Infinity Tower New Administrative Capital Overlooking the northern axis of Mohammed bin Zayed.
It is a short walk from the Opera House and the Presidential Palace.
Infinity New Administrative Capital is located near the embassy district, the British University headquarters, and the school complex.
The project was built on a space of 6215 square meters, and a space of 52 thousand square meters was used for building spaces, and 3 thousand square meters for external spaces. The units within the project vary in different areas so that each client finds what suits him, including commercial and administrative ones.

The tower consists of 31 floors, which are divided as follows:

28 floors of administrative units with an area of 1560 square meters, 3 commercial floors with an area of 8,330 square meters, and 5 underground floors that can accommodate many cars.

There are 100 administrative offices with different spaces:

15 administrative units with a space ranging from 260 up to 390 square meters.
14 administrative units start from 1560 square meters inside Infinity Tower New Capital.
63 administrative units ranging in size from 195 up to 260 square meters.
9 administrative units with a space ranging from 260 up to 780 square meters within Infinity Tower.
Know in detail more about Stores for sale in New Capital City

Get your unit inside Infinity Tower and enjoy all the services
Infinity Tower Project offers a variety of basic and recreational services that meet the needs of all customers.

Infinity Tower New Administrative Capital is characterized as being environmentally friendly as it uses solar energy by having panels that generate energy.
Electric generators operate automatically when the power is cut off.
Meeting and conference areas are fully equipped with the latest equipment and sound systems and are intended for businessmen.
You can now leave your children inside the tower in a safe place, as the company has allocated a children's area with many games to spend a fun time with friends within Infinity Tower New Administrative Capital.
Spacious garages that can accommodate 800 cars to reduce congestion inside the tower and maintain the civilized form.
A world-class restaurant and cafe area that serves delicious food and drinks for your favorite meal under the supervision of the most skilled chef.
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