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قديم 05-07-2009, 11:18 PM
Question الجزء 5 من أسئلة اللغة للثانوية

** Choose the correct answer , only one answer is correct :-
201- The clock ……………. and we realized it was two
o'clock .
a- hit
b- struck
c- turned
d- rang
202- Good …………….. ! I hope you win the race .
a- sort
b- wish
c- luck
d- chance
203- My car …………….. so I had to come by bus .
a- fell down
b- fell over
c- broke down
d- broke up
204- Look what father ………………. me when he came
home from work .
a- brought
b- took
c- carried
d- fetched
205- They'll hurt ……………. if we don't stop them fighting .
a- one to another
b- one the other
c- each the other
d- each other
206- He didn't know …………… or stay at home .
a- to go
b- if that he should go
c- if to go
d- whether to go
207- Would you mind …………… the window ?
a- that I open
b- open
c- to open
d- opening
208- Are you interested ……………. tennis tomorrow ?
a- in playing
b- for playing
c- on playing
d- to play
209- I wouldn't rely …………… him if I were you .
a- to
b- for
c- on
d- in
210- Her father didn't let her …………… out with him .
a- to go
b- go
c- going
d- that she went
211- Don't wait for me if you ……………
a- have a hurry
b- are in a hurry
c- have speed
d- are in a speed
212- ……...... beautiful flowers !
a- What a
b- What
c- How
d- So
213- Who is responsible ………………… the arrangements ?
a- for make
b- to make
c- to making
d- for making
214- speak to him slowly ………………. he will understand you better .
a- in order
b- so that
c- for
d- that
215- He finally …………. the driving test after failing three times .
a- succeeded in passing
b- succeeded to pass
c- could pass
d- managed passing
216- She's very fond ……………. modern art .
a- of the
b- of
c- to the
d- to
217- I won't allow you ……………….. for the mail .
a- pay
b- paying
c- to pay
d- that you should pay
218- She hasn't written to me …………….
a- for last month
b- during last month
c- since last month
d- a month ago
219- It was ……………… that we felt tired when we arrived .
a- a so long travel
b- such a long travel
c- such a long journey
d- a so long journey
220- Is this ………………. looking for ?
a- you were
b- that you were
c- what were you
d- what you were
221- I learnt how to …………….. a bicycle when I was
six years old .
a- drive
b- ride
c- conduct
d- lead
222- They ……………. on holidays in Switzerland and
became good friends .
a- found
b- knew
c- met
d- encountered
223- They were very happy when they ………….. the end of their journey .
a- arrived
b- arrived to
c- arrived at
d- reached at
224- He ……………………
a- robbed me my coat
b- stole me my coat
c- robbed my coat from me
d- stole my coat from me
225- …………………. at the door before you come into the room .
a- Hit
b- Knock
d- Strike
226- She asked for ……………… classes at home because she thought she would learn English more quickly .
a- peculiar
b- particular
c- private
d- personal
227- I don't think we've met before . You are confusing me with ………………
a- some other
b- someone else
c- other person
d- one other
228- He didn't take the flat because he couldn't afford the ………......
a- hire
b- fare
c- rent
d- salary
229- I've made an …………..… for you to see the dentist at 5 o'clock tomorrow .
a- appointment
b- interview
c- opportunity
d- assignation
230- He stayed under water for to minutes and then
swam to the …………………
a- level
b- surface
c- ground
d- sea
231- There's the waiter . I'll ……………….. the bill .
a- asked him for
b- demand him
c- require him
d- ask me
232- ………………. he earns , the more he spends .
a- How much
b- For how much
c- The more
d- The most
233- I'm not used to ………………… early .
a- get up
b- be getting up
c- the getting up
d- getting up
234- She was …………….. I met at the party .
a- the one
b- who
c- the one what
d- that
235- I find English spelling ……………….
a- to be difficult
b- difficult
c- the difficult
d- that it's difficult
236- I don't believe him , ………………. he says .
a- however
b- whenever
c- whatever
d- for all
237- Her dress is …………….. yours .
a- the same as
b- the same that
c- similar than
d- similar that
238- Why …………….. ? It's not as bad as all that .
a- you complain
b- you are complaining
c- to complain
d- complain
239- It looks …………. it's going to rain .
a- that
b- as
c- as if
d- like that
240- There's not much to do here ………. Sundays .
a- the
b- in
c- at
d- on
241- It's nice to go for a walk …………. a summer evening .
a- on
b- in
c- at
d- during
242- Will you be able to come to the meeting ? …………
a- I'm afraid not
b- I'm sorry not
c- I'm not afraid so
d- I'm sorry that '' no ''
243- He works …………….. engineer .
a- like
b- as
c- the same as
d- as an
244- I've …………….. answered that question .
a- already
b- still
c- yet
d- no longer
245- He was a good runner so he …………. escape from the police .
a- succeeded to
b- might
c- was able to
d- could
246- That's the course of studies ……………………..
a- what I'm interested in
b- I'm interested on
c- I'm interested in
d- what I'm interested on
247- You must make them ………… their homework .
a- do
b- to do
c- doing
d- that they do
248- It was ………………. that he had to ask for help .
a- a so big work
b- a so big job
c- such a big work
d- such a big job
249- I ………………. it again .
a- would like you to read
b- would like that you read
c- would like you reading
d- would like you read
250- He came to the party , ……………. he hadn't been
invited .
a- in case
b- in spite of
c- even
d- although
بالتوفيق والنجاح الدائمين
سحر أحمد

الذين ماتوا من أجل ألا يموتوا لهم .. عصافير الصباح مدى

إلى شهداء الحرية والكرامة في كل بقعه من أرض الوطن العربي

قلب وليد ستكونين دوما بالقلب ولن تغيبي

إذا تم اكتشاف نقل موضوع دون ذكر كلمة منقول
سيتم انذار صاحبه وإن كررها سيوقف

قبل نقل أية معلومة دينية يُرجى التأكد من صحتها
وذِكر مصدرها
ويُرجى عند اضافة الآيات القرآنية ذِكر أرقامها وأسماء السور ، وتحري الصحيح في الأحاديث النبوية الشريفة
جزاكم الله كل خير

المنتدى أمانة في أيديكم
فلنترقِ سويا بمنتدانا الغالي
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 05-07-2009, 11:21 PM
Re: الجزء 5 من أسئلة اللغة للثانوية

Model answer part 5

201- b- struck
202- c- luck
203- c- broke down
204- a- brought
205- d- each other
206- d- whether to go
207- d- opening
208- a- in playing
209- c- on
210- b- go
211- b- are in a hurry
212- b- What
213- d- for making
214- b- so that
215- a- succeeded in passing
216- b- of
217- c- to pay
218- c- since last month
219- c- such a long journey
220- d- what you were
221- b- ride
222- c- met
223- c- arrived at
224- d- stole my coat from me
225- b- Knock
226- c- private
227- b- someone else
228- c- rent
229- a- appointment
230- b- surface
231- a- asked him for
232- c- The more
233- d- getting up
234- a- the one
235- b- difficult
236- c- whatever
237- a- the same as
238- d- complain
239- c- as if
240- d- on
241- a- on
242- a- I'm afraid not
243- d- as an
244- a- already
245- c- was able to
246- c- I'm interested in
247- a- do
248- d- such a big job
249- a- would like you to read
250- d- although
تمنياتي بالنجاح الباهر
سحر أحمد
الذين ماتوا من أجل ألا يموتوا لهم .. عصافير الصباح مدى

إلى شهداء الحرية والكرامة في كل بقعه من أرض الوطن العربي

قلب وليد ستكونين دوما بالقلب ولن تغيبي

إذا تم اكتشاف نقل موضوع دون ذكر كلمة منقول
سيتم انذار صاحبه وإن كررها سيوقف

قبل نقل أية معلومة دينية يُرجى التأكد من صحتها
وذِكر مصدرها
ويُرجى عند اضافة الآيات القرآنية ذِكر أرقامها وأسماء السور ، وتحري الصحيح في الأحاديث النبوية الشريفة
جزاكم الله كل خير

المنتدى أمانة في أيديكم
فلنترقِ سويا بمنتدانا الغالي
رد مع اقتباس
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المواضيع المتشابهه
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
علمتني الحياة.... bluebird مواضيع عامة 20 07-15-2010 04:04 PM
يستحق مثل هذا الزوج أن يُضحى من أجله؟؟ قصة &# tayba06 أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 6 02-03-2007 09:17 PM
الاساطير اليونانية /حيواناتها /ابطالها ...... ghith ختامه مسك 5 09-04-2006 12:09 PM

الساعة الآن 12:17 PM.

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