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تحميل برامج القسم يهتم بتحميل برامج الجهاز و بأحدث البرامج التي تخدم المستخدم العربي (حماية-ماسنجر-اصوات-ادارة ملفات - تصميم - والكثير من البرامج المهمه) , يمنع وضع كراكات, سيريل نمبر, مولد ارقام, كيجن.

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قديم 09-01-2009, 05:22 PM
النسخة النهائية صدرت الان لاسرع المتصفحات _اوبرا_ ((Opera 10.00 Build 1750 - Final))

النسخة النهائية صدرت الان لاسرع المتصفحات _اوبرا_ ((Opera 10.00 Build 1750 - Final))

Opera 10.00 Build 1750 - Final

النسخة النهائية صدرت قبل لحظات للمتصفح الرائع السريع الاوبرا

الأوبرا بدأت كمشروع بحث في شركة إتصالات النرويج الكبرى تيلنور ، في 1994، وتشعبت الى إلى شركة تطوير مستقلة سميت برامج أوبرا آسا في 1995. وتم تطوير برامج أوبرا الى متصفح ويب الأوبرا , الذي يمتازبتصفح النت بالسرعة العالية .

التغييرات الجديدة في النسخة النهائية

Changes in Opera 10.00 Build 1750 :

User Interface
* Native skin fixes
* Several fixes to strings that don't fit
* Fixed Bug DSK-210876 (Reload Image is ignored after unfinished image load)
* Fixed Bug DSK-262341 (Deleting Speed Dials aren't synced)
* Fixed Bug DSK-262356 (Crash on exit after deleting private data)
* Fixed Bug DSK-262389 (Crash in address bar dropdown)
* Fixed Bug DSK-262523 ("Sychronize Opera" button in Speed Dial is not working)
* Fixed Bug DSK-262622 (Crash when downloading spelling checker languages)
* Fixed high CPU on HTML5 spec page
* Fixed Bug CORE-21052 (Using keys in match expressions causes crash)
* Fixed Bug CORE-23155 (Blocking ******* that is added as an iframe src using ********** causes page to never stop loading)
* Fixed Bug CORE-23169 (Opera claims collapsed selection isn't collapsed -- causes emoticon deletion in Gmail): Bad selection values in scripts when selection is the caret in documentedit
* Fixed Bug DSK-248214 (Crash when saving a picture that has not been fully downloaded)
* Fixed Bug DSK-258402 (Several images redirected to same URL can cause NSL)
* Fixed Bug DSK-261860 (Upgrading Opera from 9.64 to 10, widgets connecting to the Internet get network problems on first run, works after reload)
* Improved 8-bit icons, added 4-bit icons, PNG compressed bigger icons, lower quality icons for mail and chat
* Fixed Bug DSK-262674 (Context menu height calculations off, causing "more items..." to show)
* New/updated icons
* Fixed Bug DSK-238564 (Icon files are not installed with install.sh)
* Fixed Bug DSK-262492 (Old icon shows when dragging text)
* Fixed Bug DSK-262757 (Qt3: Do not use XPM files to draw icon in system tray, use images from skin instead)
* Fixed Bug DSK-252305 (Can not easily focus a widget on major Linux desktop environments)


تحميل المتصفح

الانجليزية DOWNLOAD EN

اتمنى اشوف ردودكم الجميلة والمشجعة


نسخة متعددة اللغاتDOWNLOAD international


Opera started out as a research project in Norway's largest telecom company, Telenor, in 1994, and branched out into an independent development company named Opera Software ASA in 1995. Opera Software develops the Opera Web browser, a high-quality, multi-platform product for a wide range of platforms, operating systems and embedded Internet products.

Opera is known as the fastest and smallest full-featured browser, a first choice for people using older PCs and Windows 95 and a brilliant alternative to the default IE from Microsoft. Opera, first of all, is client World Wide Web, that is the program for extraction of the information from WWW as the documents created with help HyperText Markup Language (language of a marking of hypertext HTML).
Low requirements to resources of system. Opera will work even on 386 computer about 6 MB of operative memory. MDI the interface. You can open without special expenses of memory any quantity of windows inside one working window, having chosen thus a tabulared or cascade

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