معلمين و معلمات (كاد المعلم أن يكون رسولاً) قسم خاص بالمعلمين, المعلمات في الوطن العربي , اساليب التدريس, اخر المستجدات التعليميه, تحضيرات للمناهج الدراسيه في جميع المواد, باوربوينت, وورد, برامج تهم المعلم. |
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حلووو تسلميي :lolz: |
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__________________ احوبك فاتن:glb: |
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يعطيك العافية بارك الله فيك |
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الف شكر
__________________ اعامل النآس بأسلوب انآ تربيت عليہ ' فمن يتعآمل مَعي باحترآم احترمہ ومن لآ يعرف الاحترآم يسرني ان آعلمہ ♡! { ع‘ندمآ ترتعش الانآمل .. وتذوب الحروف داخل الافواه .. لا يملڪ الفؤاد سوى تحريڪ ~ القلم |
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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله ارجو المساعده في اختصار هذا الموضوع Research Social network analysis has been used in epidemiology to help understand how patterns of human contact aid or inhibit the spread of diseases such as HIV in a population. The evolution of social networks can sometimes be modeled by the use of agent based models, providing insight into the interplay between communication rules, rumor spreading and social structure. SNA may also be an effective tool for mass surveillance – for example the Total Information Awareness program was doing in-depth research on strategies to analyze social networks to determine whether or not U.S. citizens were political threats. Diffusion of innovations theory explores social networks and their role in influencing the spread of new ideas and practices. Change agents and opinion leaders often play major roles in spurring the adoption of innovations, although factors inherent to the innovations also play a role. Robin Dunbar has suggested that the typical size of an egocentric network is constrained to about 150 members due to possible limits in the capacity of the human communication channel. The rule arises from cross-cultural studies in sociology and especially anthropology of the maximum size of a village (in modern parlance most reasonably understood as an ecovillage). It is theorized in evolutionary psychology that the number may be some kind of limit of average human ability to recognize members and track emotional facts about all members of a group. However, it may be due to economics and the need to track "free riders", as it may be easier in larger groups to take advantage of the benefits of living in a community without contributing to those benefits. Mark Granovetter found in one study that more numerous weak ties can be important in seeking information and innovation. Cliques have a tendency to have more homogeneous opinions as well as share many common traits. This homophilic tendency was the reason for the members of the cliques to be attracted together in the first place. However, being similar, each member of the clique would also know more or less what the other members knew. To find new information or insights, members of the clique will have to look beyond the clique to its other friends and acquaintances. This is what Granovetter called "the strength of weak ties". Guanxi (关系)is a central concept in Chinese society (and other East Asian cultures) that can be summarized as the use of personal influence. The word is usually translated as "relation," "connection" or "tie" and is used in as broad a variety of contexts as are its English counterparts. However, in the context of interpersonal relations, Guanxi (关系)is loosely analogous to "clout" or "pull" in the West. Guanxi can be studied from a social network approach. The small world phenomenon is the hypothesis that the chain of social acquaintances required to connect one arbitrary person to another arbitrary person anywhere in the world is generally short. The concept gave rise to the famous phrase six degrees of separation after a 1967 small world experiment by psychologist Stanley Milgram. In Milgram's experiment, a sample of US individuals were asked to reach a particular target person by passing a message along a chain of acquaintances. The average length of successful chains turned out to be about five intermediaries or six separation steps (the majority of chains in that study actually failed to complete). The methods (and ethics as well) of Milgram's experiment were later questioned by an American scholar, and some further research to replicate Milgram's findings found that the degrees of connection needed could be higher.Academic researchers continue to explore this phenomenon as Internet-based communication technology has supplemented the phone and postal systems available during the times of Milgram. A recent electronic small world experiment at Columbia University found that about five to seven degrees of separation are sufficient for connecting any two people through e-mail. Collaboration graphs can be used to illustrate good and bad relationships between humans. A positive edge between two nodes denotes a positive relationship (friendship, alliance, dating) and a negative edge between two nodes denotes a negative relationship (hatred, anger). Signed social network graphs can be used to predict the future evolution of the graph. In signed social networks, there is the concept of "balanced" and "unbalanced" cycles. A balanced cycle is defined as a cycle where the product of all the signs are positive. Balanced graphs represent a group of people who are unlikely to change their opinions of the other people in the group. Unbalanced graphs represent a group of people who are very likely to change their opinions of the people in their group. For example, a group of 3 people (A, B, and C) where A and B have a positive relationship, B and C have a positive relationship, but C and A have a negative relationship is an unbalanced cycle. This group is very likely to morph into a balanced cycle, such as one where B only has a good relationship with A, and both A and B have a negative relationship with C. By using the concept of balances and unbalanced cycles, the evolution of signed social network graphs can be predicted. One study has found that happiness tends to be correlated in social networks. When a person is happy, nearby friends have a 25 percent higher chance of being happy themselves. Furthermore, people at the center of a social network tend to become happier in the future than those at the periphery. Clusters of happy and unhappy people were discerned within the studied networks, with a reach of three degrees of separation: a person's happiness was associated with the level of happiness of their friends' friends' friends. (See also Emotional contagion.) Some researchers have suggested that human social networks may have a genetic basis. Using a sample of twins from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, they found that in-degree (the number of times a person is named as a friend), transitivity (the probability that two friends are friends with one another), and betweenness centrality (the number of paths in the network that pass through a given person) are all significantly heritable. Existing models of network formation cannot account for this intrinsic node variation, so the researchers propose an alternative "Attract and Introduce" model that can explain heritability and many other features of human social networks وشكرا لكم |
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الموضوع | كاتب الموضوع | المنتدى | مشاركات | آخر مشاركة |
صور موسوعة جينيس لتحطيم الأرقام القياسية | script | موسوعة الصور | 19 | 09-29-2011 05:42 PM |
أكبر موسوعة برامج تعليمية للأطفال فى كل المجالات | fares alsunna | خطب و محاضرات و أناشيد اسلاميه صوتية و مرئية | 13 | 11-08-2010 09:11 PM |
أزياء للمحجبات موسوعة كاملة | هيمو_العسل | حواء ~ | 12 | 10-18-2008 08:50 PM |
المكتبة:تجميعة الموسوعات المتنوّعة -رفع خاص-هنا نحطّ الرحال قليلا | عمار منيب | تحميل كتب مجانية, مراجع للتحميل | 0 | 08-14-2008 07:22 PM |