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قديم 09-07-2009, 07:57 AM
احذية وصنادل للبنات

Foot Wear For Women

Other materials upper, textile lining and sock, other materials sole.

Leather upper, other materials/textile lining and sock, other materials sole.

Leather upper, textile lining and sock, other materials sole.

A fashion must have. Textile upper and lining, leather sock, sole other materials.

Leather upper, textile lining and sock, other materials sole.

Leather upper, textile lining and sock, other materials sole.

Textile upper, lining and sock, other materials sole.

Other materials upper, textile lining and sock, other materials sole.

Leather upper, other materials/textile lining and sock, other materials sole

sandals for women

Leather upper, other materials lining, sock and sole. Heel height: 12 cm (4¾ ins).

Elegant satin mules with rhinestones. Upper: Textile. Lining, sock and sole: Other materials. Heel height approx. 6.5 cm (2½ ins).

Sheer opulence with a fabulous crystal dropper at the buckle and diamanté studs on the slender straps to catch the light. All: Other materials. Heel height approx. 8.5 cm (3½ ins).

Leather upper, other materials lining, sock and sole. Heel height: 11 cm (4¼ ins).

Fabulous silver coloured evening shoes with sparkling diamanté trim at the front. Upper: Leather. Lining, sock and sole: Other materials. Heel height: 8 cm (3 ins).

Gorgeous gold coloured shoes with multi straps. Upper: Leather. Lining, sock and sole: Other materials. Heel height: 9 cm (3½ ins).

Upper: Leather. Lining, sock and sole: Other materials. Heel height approx. 9.5 cm (3¾ ins)

Upper, lining and sock: Leather. Sole: Other materials. Heel height approx. 10 cm (4 ins).

Elegant satin mules with rhinestones. Upper: Textile. Lining, sock and sole: Other materials. Heel height approx. 6.5 cm (2½ ins).

قديم 09-07-2009, 10:12 AM
رد: احذية وصنادل للبنات

اتمنى ان تشاركوني بردودكم
قديم 09-08-2009, 04:26 AM
رد: احذية وصنادل للبنات

~ تعــــــال يانصر وشــ..ــوف حبكـ كيفـ انانــــي جالسـ بوسطـ {قلبي}
يقـول للدمـ هذا مكاآنــي ~

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شنط حركات للبنات زهرة اليقين حواء ~ 34 02-18-2012 03:39 PM
أبوات رياضية للبنات زهرة اليقين حواء ~ 16 09-25-2010 12:31 AM
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الساعة الآن 09:22 PM.

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