10-03-2009, 02:42 PM
التجسس عليك عبر الجوال gps كثرت استعمال الجوال يسبب نوع من السراطان
يمكن التجسس عليك وفي اي موقع انت عبر الجوال اذا كان يحتوي على GPS من الاقمار الصناعية اغلق الجوال تختفي .Mobile phones boost brain tumor risk by up to 270 percent on side of brain where phone is held. .كثرت استعمال الجوال يسبب نوع من السراطان .(NaturalNews) Using a cell phone regularly – even a modern one – raises the risk of developing a brain tumor for many users, a new Finnish study published online in the International Journal of Cancer. The study, done by a collection of researchers from many universities and led by Anna Lahkola of the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority in Finland, found firm corollary evidence that using a cell phone causes the risk of getting a brain tumor called a glioma to rise by 40 to 270 percent on the side of the head preferred for using the phone |