04-27-2023, 10:27 PM
Donations for loose animals, cats and dogs
From people with kind hearts to the calls of weak pets, who suffer from permanent disabilities or fractures while they are lying on the streets or under bridges, they take the initiative to treat them, and as soon as their condition improves
We are a shelter for pets of cats and dogs that are received from the streets based on rescue reports we received from male and female citizens, after they saw their suffering due to permanent disabilities such as amputation of the hands, or paralysis,Or fracture and other disabilities that prevent her from living if she is not provided with the necessary care, so that we take care of her according to a treatment program that guarantees her a comfortable and stable life.
We ask those with kind hearts to donate the least amount, and you will be rewarded
This is the conversion link, please copy the link: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hoste...=VHCKLB5CABUCW |