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قديم 12-07-2009, 10:27 AM
Panda Antivirus Pro 2010 9.01.00 برنامج الحماية فائق الذكاء

Panda Antivirus Pro 2010 9.01.00 | 57 MB

باندا برنامج حماية غاية فى التطور والذكاء ولا يقوم بازعاجك نهائيا فقط يقوم بتنبيهك انه قد ازال فيروس يحاول اصابة حاسوبك . يعمل فى الخلفيه ومتوافق مع كل اصدارات الويندوز حتى ويندوز فيستا

Panda Antivirus Pro 2010 enables you to forget about viruses, spyware, hackers”
The new Panda Antivirus Pro 2010 is the easiEST-to-use and most intuitive protection for your computer. Just install it and forget about viruses, spyware, rootkits, hackers, online fraud and identity theft. Chat, share photos and videos, bank and buy online, read your favorite blogs or simply surf the Web, with complete peace of mind. And thanks to the improved Collective Intelligence technology, the solution is now much faster than previous versions.

You will also have at your disposal Tech Support 24h-365d, 24h-SOS service and the daily updates that ensure you are protected against all new threats that appear around the world. Its ease-of-use, simplicity and offer a Maximum protection with minimum Impact on your PC. New version includes Panda USB Vaccine tool.

Here are some key features of “Panda Antivirus Pro”:
· Protection against spyware. Protects your privacy by preventing spyware from being installed on your computer. The anti-spyware protection prevents this type of software from compiling data about your Internet habits and preferences.
· Protection against unknown threats. Thanks to the revolutionary TruPrevent Technologies now, more than ever, you will be protected against malware at all times.
· Protection against all types of malware. Not only are you protected against viruses. Now you have integrated protection capable of combating all types of malicious software: hacking tools, jokes, malicious cookies, viruses, etc.
· Firewall. Neutralizes network viruses and prevents possible intrusions or attacks by hackers trying to enter your computer through the Internet.
· Protection against vulnerabilities. Protects you against security holes in certain applications that could make your computer easy prey to all types of malicious software and hackers. Now you can fix vulnerabilities detected in your computer, giving you even greater security.
· Services. Enjoy the wide range of services that we offer. Now you have a whole team of IT security experts to help you resolve any queries that could arise. In addition, on our Web page, you can access the latest versions of our products and all the information you need.


+ Includes:

Identity Protect
Technical support service and automatic upgrades

· Processor: Pentium 300 MHz or faster.
· RAM: 128 MB without TruPrevent, 512 MB with TruPrevent (1 GB recommended).
· Hard disk: 265 MB free space.
· MS Internet Explorer 6.0
· CD-ROM drive

Download : | 57 MB


التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة МŘ. ali afandi ; 12-07-2009 الساعة 12:11 PM سبب آخر: تعديل الرابط ..
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قديم 12-07-2009, 12:11 PM

|x| مظلة الامل |x|

(( .. لوحة حب عاشق صنعتها تحت ظلال الهوي .. ))

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برنامج الحماية القادم بقوه Panda Cloud Antivirus 1.0 emad_17 أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 1 11-13-2009 06:06 PM
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الساعة الآن 09:44 PM.

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