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قديم 12-31-2012, 02:30 PM
God job
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 01-09-2013, 03:09 AM
My Opinion

Hey there
sorry my laptop cant type in arabic, first of all i am a goth of many different nationalities.

i know it has been almost 4 years since this topic was made but it saddens me to see that so many people still think that goths are devil worshipers.

I signed up to this site just so i could reply and state some facts and my opinions :

1. most of what you said was true. the gothic world really is mysterious because unlike other subcultures everyone defines goth by their terms but one thing we have in common is that we turn darkness into art, we find beauty in the dark side of the world. like how the moonlight gives a beautiful look to every thing at night (specially in rural areas or countrysides)l

2. black isn't our mandatory uniform, we wear purple, blue, shades of grey and even shades of pink and a lot dark colors for that matter, it mainly depends on what the gothic person chooses to wear. But even my non-gothic friends tell me black clothes can fit with any color. and it gives off a dark vibe we like. dont confuse that vibe with devil worshiping (i will get to that in a while) again it's more like the moonlight example

3. while it's true that goth have different points of view about life style than the "ordinary" people in society, not all of them become goths because society didn't accept them as they were before. take me for example, before i even knew what goth was i loved wearing black, watching horror movies, reading horror literature, listening to their music (even before i knew it was gothic music) and seeing pictures in monochrome (black and white) i also like to go to graveyards

so society didn't have any influence on me, (although people still look at me weird even without my makeup). I would also like to add that in the country i currently live in, gothic people are almost non-existent so i never personally met a goth. only online

4. don't believe the goths you see in the movies, hollywood has a twisted point of view about us, almost all goths in the movies are antisocial criminals. THAT IS NOT US!!!. what is written in the picture you posted above still implies to goths today. sure there are some bad apples, but everything in this world has a bad and good side. l

5. finally, i would like to state that we are not devil worshipers, most of us wear silver crosses, i don't think satanists can stand crosses. i read about them long ago in the news, a woman sacrificed her infant to the devil and ate the meat of the poor boy, they are cannibals who do human sacrifices. i refuse to be grouped with or confused by people like that. dark isn't always evil you know. Also goth has nothing to do with any religion for that matter, there are goths of many different religions, be it christianity, islam, judaism. I myself am a christian and being goth didn't affect me in any religious way

6. No body is forcing you or anyone else to be a goth if you don't want to, the decision is your's alone and no body should force anyone not to if they want. it should be something of personal freedom

I'm sorry that i wrote so much, and i'm sorry if i offended you in anyway possible

i'm not looking for any internet fights, i just don't stand this common and old misunderstanding about us and feel that i have the right to defend my way of life. if you want anymore information you can go to this site, the owner is a very sweet lady who is known as "The Lady of Manners" lol goths are very nice people once you get to know them:


don't be afraid to go on this site, it's not only for goths but those who want to know more about goth. My fair lady can explain things a lot better than I (and in a very manner-full way too haha :heeel
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قديم 01-09-2013, 11:19 PM
اهلا اختي معلووماتك فيها من الخطاء القليل و فيها من الصحة الكثير اتمنى لكي التوفيق اتمنى ان تشاهدي يوتيوب عصر الاسيتقاظ متاكدة سيدعمكي في عمل موضوع اخر عن هذه الفئة بشكل مفصل مع تحياتي وشكرا
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