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قديم 01-22-2010, 05:06 AM
اقوى برنامج فى تحرير ملفات الفيديو CyberLink PowerDirector Ultra 8.00

CyberLink PowerDirector Ultra 8.00 Build 2330 + Update to 8.00 Build 2508 | 507MB
CyberLink PowerDirector - advanced software for video editing. CyberLink PowerDirector comes complete with the most advanced and easy-to-use tools for creating professional videos. In addition, the proposed video processing technology (SVRT), NVIDIA CUDA, ATI-Stream for multi-core processing units that can complete projects movies and save them money faster than any other software program available on the market! CyberLink PowerDirector also includes an amazing set of magical tools for easy editing movies more quickly and powerfully.

With this toolkit the owners of digital cameras will be able to make materials amateur footage into a full video of professional quality. The new version boasts enhanced support for high-definition formats, but also allows you to create video products, distributed on disks Blu-ray Disc (formats BDAV and BDMV). Note for users requested support functions PiP (picture in picture), an impressive collection of transition effects, tools to produce high quality "slide show" and creating interactive menus and more.

New in CyberLink PowerDirector 8.0
- Major new features CyberLink PowerDirector 8 include:
- The effects of particles
- Fully customizable effects, which allow you to add arbitrary objects of particles (snow, dust, falling objects, etc.) over the video.
- Improved editor slideshow
- Fully customizable camera, 3D, allocation and movement with an editor slideshow.
- Extended means to improve video
- Use of work with video for cropping, rotation, change the speed or reverse playback.
- Fixes and improvements through video stabilization, adjustment of lighting and improve the quality of video technology TrueTheater.
- Application of noise removal in video and audio files, removing ambiguities video and sound.
- More powerful and friendly editing environment
- Ability to use up to nine effects ICC over your master video.
- Adding additional music tracks on the timeline that allows you to have up to three separate music tracks in the video simultaneously.
- Fully extensible user interface in accordance with the specific needs editing.
- Use the form guide to better management of personal multimedia libraries.
- View the video on full screen in the viewer multimedia.
- View the video on a separate display device or video camera when switched on dual display.
- Use a range selection to select segments of the media on the timeline for kopirvoaniya or remove them from the project.
- Use grid lines to assist in the precise placement of ICC and multimedia titles.
- New work area
- A new, easy-to-use workspace, which makes finding videos much faster.
- Optimize CPU / GPU provides high-speed processing of HD video content.
- New options to create a disk
- New user interface.
- Adding multiple titles on the video created by the disc.
- Create a Slideshow
- View the entire structure of the disc.
- Multi-level menus, as well as easier to use and powerful editor of the menu.
- Faster and easier loading effects and templates from the Web site DirectorZone.
- Download the effects KVK, templates, titles, particle effects and DVD menu templates from the Web site DirectorZone.
- Completely integrated into CyberLink PowerDirector user interface for faster and easier than searching and loading effects and templates.
- Total access to editable projects with other countries through the Web site DirectorZone, to help other users.
- Automatically shutdown computer
- Automatically shutdown your computer after making the video or write it to disk to save energy.

What's new:
PowerDirector 8 build 2508
Added support for hardware decoding of files MPEG-2/H.264.
Added support for files SVRT AVCHD camcorders Canon.
Added support for subtitles disc AVCHD.
Added support for video DSLR with H.264 and LPCM audio.

PowerDirector could not download the video server YouTube.
Installing the proportions to create video in a batch does not meet the project settings.
Templates magic style (created by means of magical style) had no links to
Web site DirectorZone.
PowerDirector displays a warning when you export the project packed onto a USB device.
PowerDirector display duration, which has not been installed by the user, at the installation speed video.
PowerDirector failed when trying to use any functions on a computer with AMD processors that do not support SSE2.
You can not edit effect keyframe after suspending play with keys.

Operating system: Windows ® XP/Vista/7
Language: Multi
Released: 2010
Medicine: Present

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
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