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الحياة الأسرية القسم يهتم بشؤون الأسرة المسلمة والعلاقات الاسرية والزوجية وطرح الافكار الناجحة لحياة أجمل

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قديم 06-30-2010, 12:56 AM
شكرا على الموضوع الجميل واريد ان اضيف معلومه حقيقيه وهامه بان حليب الام احيانا يكون له اثار ضاره جدا وخاصه اذا تمت الرضاعه اثنا البكاء فاحيانا قد تضر بجهاز الطفل الهضمي وقد تؤدي الى وفاة الطفل لاقدر الله كما حدث مع احد قريباتي
قديم 07-05-2010, 12:13 PM
Thumbs up الرد على الموضوع

انا سمعت برضه نفس المعلومة وبارك الله فيكى على هذا الموضوع ويجزيكى خير امين يارب
قديم 07-05-2010, 12:21 PM
اخترتي موووضوع ختيييييييير مره استفدت من معلومتك
وأهم شي بقول لماما..عشان البيبي الجديد
شطوره هذي اول نصيحه
اجل خلاص قررت راسلتلك البنوووته
سلمتي ولاهنتي غلاتي
يآحظي المنسدح...وش فيييك مشقيني؟؟
قم يمآال الوجع...قم غير أحوآلي
اللهم أني عفوت عن كل من ظلمني واغتابني وانتقص
من قدري فاعفو عنه واغفرلي
يارب إذا أسأت إلى الناس فأعطني شجاعة الأعتذار وإذا أساء لي الناس فأعطني شجاعة العفــــو...
قديم 08-24-2010, 07:45 AM
PRC since the beginning of summer, active in high Jiangyan Gu, Liang Xu, etc., crazy indecency, rape, sexual assaults of women more than once so that local people be terrified. Bold rapist after a woman in the molestation, but also send text messages several times, called invasion of women, tell her \Local police will counterplot Song captured the rapist. Yesterday, the police release information Jiangyan, rapists have been under criminal detention. 7 月 evening of 6 Jiangyan reported to the police, the local town of Liang Xu Xia Yeban the way a woman was raped by a man riding a motorcycle. As early as late June, a women's line to ride electric vehicle Yu Jiangyan too private a remote country road east development zone, the face of a man on sexual harassment. Police visited found that this is not a simple case of two, according to the vicinity of the masses, such cases had also occurred before, but most victims did not report. After further investigation the police found, Liang Xu,Wedding Dress Alterations, Gu higher to have occurred in similar cases, the modus operandi is very similar to the suspect in the remote sections of the general choose to take intimidation, force women to travel alone pulled shelter, and then implement indecent assault, rape. 7 24, one of the victims to the police provided an important clue. It describes the victim, she was molested, the suspect also asked her for a phone number, send text messages in recent days rapists frequently, call her, tell her friends. Police decided to meter on the meter, so that the woman posing as agreed between them, \July 25 at 7 pm,Mother Bridal Dresses, investigators had arrived at the ambush waiting area. 9:20, a suspicious man riding a motorcycle into the investigator's attention, when the man was not aware of the situation, attempting to flee when Duolu dispatched a group of police captured. , upon examination, the suspect Song,Wedding Gown Dress, 31 years old this year, normally withdrawn and driving with a black two motorcycles, has the implementation of indecent assault, rape women, dozens of criminals. Currently, Song for suspected rape, have been under criminal detention. (Ma Jian Guo-Zhu Wang)
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قصص حب حزينه واقعيه حزينه كتير العاشق الحب قصص قصيرة 3 07-03-2012 01:11 AM
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