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شعر و قصائد القسم يهتم بالشعر العربي الفصيح والعامي الموزون, المكتوب بأقلام الأعضاء لا نقبل القصائد المنقولة

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قديم 04-03-2007, 03:53 PM
رد: عيونٌ ... لا تبيح الوصف

لا فُض فاك ... يا ماجد

وكذلك اديبتنا المبدعة دائما ربيحة

اشجونا بما تجود به قرائحكم .... ودمتم
عِندمَا تُمسكُ سَيفاً لِتقْتُلني ..
إحذرْ أن يَجْرَح يَدُكَ فتُؤلمُنِي ..

قديم 04-05-2007, 11:48 PM
رد: عيونٌ ... لا تبيح الوصف

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة وشل مشاهدة المشاركة
وهنا تتقنها أكثر ... تراقص شعرك بحركات لم نعهدها ..على لحن أبدعت وضعه

هو شيء فيك يعجبني جدا لكن لا أعلم أهو رقص كلماتك أم عزفك الشجي

ربما يا سيدي ...

هو بحر الشعر والتفعيلة السهلة التي اخترتها في هذه القصيدة ..

حتى بدأ الأصدقاء ينسجون في نولها أجمل أبيات الشعر ...

وأرجو أن أسمع منك أيضاً البديع الرائع ...

فما أقرؤه الآن في مشاركتك ..: يؤكد أنك أهل لها ..

تحياتي واحترامي
قديم 12-31-2010, 07:10 AM
اشكرك استاذي الشاعر المبدع ماجد الملاذي انما تزخر هذه الصفحات الجميله من الابداعات المبدعه بوجودك و وجود الاخت الفاضلة ربيحه و امثالكم وابداعاتكم اجبرتنا على هذه الكلامات المتواضعة و لكم الشكر و العرفان
قديم 01-19-2011, 10:13 PM
Being an Aion player myself, I used to constantly experience shortage of Aion Gold, and I have always been looking for the best Aion Gold Guide to help me get enough Aion gold so that I can use them to buy everything I want in the game. However, Aion online is still a new game compared to World of Warcraft, there are comparatively fewer really-effective Aion gold guide that actually helps Aion players to earn the amount of Aion Gold they need. On the one hand, players are trying their best to farm Aion gold in order to survive and on the other hand, they are looking everywhere for Aion Gold making tips or guides that could give them guidance and power to make more Aion Gold. If everything works well,aion power leveling, you can eliminate all you concerns by getting good hands on the those Aion Gold guide available and become an Aion Gold Master yourself. You can use all the tactics you've learnt to make extremely large amounts of Aion gold as fast as possible and as fun as possible!If you find those tips are not helping you at all, you should start to divert your attention to something else. Actually, buying Aion Gold is not a bad idea to go. You can buy Aion Gold from your player mate, but it usually cost you more money than to buy Aion Gold from outside Aion Gold sale stores, because Aion Gold sold at those stores are farmed by professional players who have high efficiency on acquiring Aion Gold than you are so that they can always guarantee cheap Aion gold price so that you will buy from them. Here is a very popular Aion Gold store where all of my friends and playermates are buying Aion gold from when needed to recommend. Usually, their Aion gold price is cheaper by 7.5% percent than most Aion gold stores. If on occasion of promotion or special offers, you can buy Aion gold at even cheaper prices. They always have abundant cheapest aion gold in stock, so you do not have to worry about availability. None like other Aion gold stores, it is least to worry about the safety of your account informatiom if you buy Aion gold from them. So stop wasting your time on hunting for cheapest Aion gold. They are the best choice for you to buy Aion gold from because they aim to exceed your expections on cheaper price and better service. Stop thinking and start your first risk-free Aion gold buying exprience at www.cheapaiongold.net.
قديم 01-24-2011, 11:14 AM
كلام رائع وجميل

بمن يثق الإنسان فيما ينوبُهُ

من أين للحُرِ الكريم صِحابُ

وقد صار هذا الناس إلا أقلهم

ذئاباً على أجسادِهِنَّ ثيابُ

فــتــى الــشــام

مــنــتــدى عــيــون الــعــرب

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