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قديم 03-09-2010, 12:00 AM
برنامج ProShow Gold 4 من أفضل برامج لتحويل صورك الى فيديو مع اضافة المؤثرات

برنامج رائع لتحويل صورك الى فيديو مع اضافة المؤثرات الخاصة لها واضافة ملفات الصوت ايضا
البرنامج بكل المقاييس روعة ومنافس جدا لبرنامج ال Movie Maker

ProShow Gold Top Features

Easily Add Photos & Videos to Your Show
Simply drag and drop your photos and videos onto the Slide List to add them to your

show. Each slide can have an unlimited number of layers meaning you can create

الجوائز الحاصل عليها

Awards & Reviews
USA Today

Photo Slideshows Go High-Definition
"ProShow Gold and ProShow Producer, software programs beloved by photographers, now supports burning to high-definition Blu-ray discs, the next-generation DVD discs. We know what a difference high-def makes with video. But for photos? There's no such thing as a high-def JPG. So what's the big deal? "You have six times the resolution, or six times as many dots. You see more definition, more colors. Your show is sharper," says Paul Schmidt, founder and president of Austin-based Photodex, maker of the programs."
Read entire article here.


Five Star Rating - ProShow Gold
"I've tried a few slideshow programs and this is by far the most extensive. Whilst the others were part of a multi-feature program, ProShow Gold is dedicated to slideshow production. The elements are very good and a great slideshow can be produced with a fluent knowledge of the system."
Read entire review here.

Digital Home Thoughts

To Quad or Not to Quad
"ProShow Gold is a photo slideshow application that creates extremely high-quality video output, and it's also well-known for its ability to scale to multiple cores. I took a batch of 30 photos and output them to a 1080p video file (1920 x 1200 resolution) with high-quality encoding. The ProShow Gold test really showed the power of four cores: the 1080p encoding process was finished in 6 minutes 13 seconds (0.48x realtime) which is an impressive 38% faster."
Click here for entire article.

PC Magazine

Best Products of the Year - Applications with Aptitude
"With Photodex ProShow Gold, you can quickly build eye-catching slide shows when you're in a hurry and spend a little more time designing audiovisual masterpieces when the creative mood strikes. Flexible output options ensure that your slideshows will get seen, and, at $69.95 direct, the software is highly affordable."
Read the entire review here.

Maximum PC Magazine

ProShow Gold Reviewed
"ProShow Gold has long been the, umm, gold standard for wedding, portrait, and studio photographers who want to show work to clients on a DVD, and we can see why. With its smooth user interface and dizzying number of effects and customizations, ProShow Gold instantly became our favorite slide-show program."
Read entire review here.

USA Today

Right Software turns Shutterbug into Moviemaker
"Photodex's ProShow Gold (www.photodex.com, $69.95) has been my favorite for awesome-looking slideshows for years, because it gives the creator more control."
Read entire review here.

حجم البرنامج 16.7 ميجا .. ويعمل مع كل اصدارات الويندوز

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Photodex ProShow Gold 4.0.2477 أصنع من صورك اجمل الأفلام )) من رفعي steve_love أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 2 10-16-2009 07:05 PM

الساعة الآن 07:28 AM.

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