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قديم 04-08-2010, 03:39 PM
نسخه كامله Xara Web Designer 6 with Templates للتصميم

تحميل Xara Web Designer 6 with Templates

تنزيل Xara Web Designer 6 with Templates

Xara Web Designer 6 with Templates


Quote:Xara Web Designer is unlike any web editor you will have seen before; an easy template based solution that gives you total page design freedom, no HTML skills required. Traditional web authoring tools are really just HTML editors, they are designed to create text layout, providing few, if any, graphical capabilities. And yet it’s evident that the vast majority of modern websites are of a graphical nature. We believe you should have complete freedom to include anything – text, graphics, photos – anywhere on the page, using just one tool.

• Significantly enhanced NavBar handling and DHTML menu support
• Drag ‘n’ drop color schemes for instant color changes
• Drag ‘n’ drop Widgets from the Designs Gallery, and a new Widget library
• HTML snippets can be pasted directly into your document, with an automatic preview/placeholder created
• An easy way to add links to (and upload) external files such as PDF, Flash and Word files
• Incremental Publishing
• FTP details can be stored with the document
• Named FTP profiles


رد مع اقتباس
قديم 04-08-2010, 05:56 PM

|x| مظلة الامل |x|

(( .. لوحة حب عاشق صنعتها تحت ظلال الهوي .. ))

قرآن يتلي آناء الليل وأطراف النهار
لمعظم قراء العالم العربي ..

انشره ولنا ولك الثواب

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كتاب الأذكياء (نسخه كامله للتحميل) RooT تحميل كتب مجانية, مراجع للتحميل 245 06-02-2010 07:37 PM
اخر نسخه كامله من برنامج شافط سرعة الانترنت لتسريع التنزيل aramnet أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 0 03-27-2010 02:26 AM

الساعة الآن 01:14 AM.

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