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الهواتف النقالة قسم يهتم بجميع الاجهزة النقالة الحديثة بطرح البرامج الداعمة لها وطرح الجديد من اخبارها وصورها الخاصة

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قديم 04-11-2010, 03:28 PM
برنامج تشغيل الصـوتيـات TTPod s60v3 3.70

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم

أقدم لكم

برنامج تشغيل الصـوتيـات

TTPod s60v3 3.70

بتـحديث جـديد مع المميـزات الرائعة

لتــسجــيل البــرنــامج :



The new version of the feature:

New function and Optimization

1. Decoded based on the system's new architecture, to enhance performance and results, reduce the CPU occupation and power consumption;
2. Increasing environmental sound adjustment function;
3. Increase the left and right channel balance adjustment function;
4. Optimize the most of the pop-up box interface display;
5. The new image processing engine, showing a better effect;
6. Increase the image rotating display;
7. Increase the picture like a revolving door display;
8. Increase the image rotating display;
9. Add "a" key shortcut menu;
10. Optimal adjustment of left menu layout;
11. Increase the power-saving mode;
12. Increase in night-time mode;
13. Increase by album name, by adding time, random sorting sort;
14. Increase the marking and mobility features;
15. Increase the smooth fast forward / rewind mode;
16. Default, open the font smoothing;
17. Increase the font strokes effect;
18. To increase the font size and color lyrics interface adjustment function;
19. Increase the image storage directory customization features;
20. Increase the transparency of the regulatory function of mini-player;
21. Support "starts playing" and "Memory out of position" is set separately;
22. Support the Left menu, press the left arrow keys closed;
23. Optimization of the list and the next page scrolling speed;
24. Custom list add "Favorites" list by default;
25. Bluetooth to send support for sending multiple files at the same time;
26. Optimizing ID3 editor cache methods to improve preservation speed;
27. Increase the capacity, the progress bar animation, and more hands and follow the syntax of the skin

: التحميل ::

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