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قديم 04-21-2010, 05:37 AM
برنامج QuickTime Alternative الافضل لانه يقوم بتشغل جميع الملفات فى اخر اصدار

QuickTime Alternative

سوف يسمح لك لتشغيل ملفات الكويك تايم مثل


وغيرها من الامتدادات والصيغ دون الحاجة إلى تثبيت كويك تايم quick time player من شركة آبل apple

بعض مزايا البرنامج

-- تثبيت سهل وسريع

-- من السهل أن تجعل تثبيت غير مراقب

-- لا خلفية له

-- استخدام التشغيل من اختيارك الخاصة

-- حجم أصغر

تاريخ الاصدار


QuickTime Alternative & QuickTime Lite v3.2.2

released.QuickTime Alternative will allow you to play QuickTime files without having to install the official QuickTime Player. All QuickTime formats (.mov .qt .3gp etc.) are supported, including streaming content and QuickTime content that is embedded in webpages. Some advantages compared to QuickTime player are the quick and easy install, make an unattended installation, no background processes, use a player of your own choice, low on resources, and smaller size.

QuickTime Alternative Feature descriptions:
- Media Player Classic is a full-featured player which has decoding support for QuickTime content.
- QuickTime codecs (QuickTime Alternative 2.2.0) or (QuickTime Alternative 1.90) or (QuickTime Alternative 1.56) are required for playing QuickTime movies and audio.
- QuickTime ActiveX control (QuickTime Alternative 2.2.0) or (QuickTime Alternative 1.90) or (QuickTime Alternative 1.56) allows you to view QuickTime content that is embedded in a webpage. The QuickTime Browser plugin supports Internet Explorer. Other programs might also need this component.
- QuickTime Browser plugin (QuickTime Alternative 2.2.0) or (QuickTime Alternative 1.90) or (QuickTime Alternative 1.56) allows you to view QuickTime content that is embedded in a webpage. The QuickTime Browser plugin supports Mozilla, Firefox, Seamonkey, Netscape and Opera.
- QuickTime Control Panel is required for configuring some QuickTime settings.
- QuickTime plugins are required for viewing some special formats that are sometimes used on webpages. The QuickTime plugins include iPIX and QuickTimeVR.
- QuickTime DirectShow filter allows you to play QuickTime content in all DirectShow enabled players. Without this filter QuickTime content can only be played in Media Player Classic.

QuickTime Alternative

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