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قديم 05-03-2010, 03:08 PM
Virus Effect Remover 3.2

Virus Effect Remover v3.2 | 18.7 MB

A repair tool to assist end-users remove the effects, of either a live virus or left over by a virus, in most Windows® Operating Systems (see requirements.)

Repairs and fixes OS items such as :
-Folder Options
and it even repairs the Windows® Automatic Update, bringing it back to full operation again.

As well as many USB control options, not normally available in Windows® OSes, to protect our end-users, against accidental viral infections carried by any USB media. i.e. Pendrive etc.

Additional tools, help users track and kill the virus, and remove the infection from the OS. With just a single Operating System reboot to clear it all out, after cleaning is complete.

Steps to Install Application:
1. Just Unpack and Install Easily.
2. Enjoy It!

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شرح تثبيت وتسجيل البرنامج الرائع Autorun Virus Remover 2.3.0320 samiramer أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 2 04-24-2010 04:57 PM

الساعة الآن 09:14 AM.

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