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قديم 05-03-2010, 06:20 PM
JAlbum v8.8 Portable

JAlbum v8.8 Portable | 38 MB

JAlbum is a program that helps you make from your digital photos HTML albums. Its creators say it is most severe, but also one of the most powerful in the industry. It takes your pictures, a few clicks of the mouse and your album is ready - in the HTML version you can publish on the Internet. Sample albums by the program, you can see here.With the proliferation of digital cameras, each day there are more users who forget to disclose reels and work with their photos directly on your computer. The problem comes when it comes to ordering these images or teach a friend, role that until now the traditional photo album.

Show your photos like a pro
Jalbum lets you create and share stunning customized photo albums. Publish to yourname.jalbum.net or your own site.
It's free.


Easy to use User Interface
Explorer-like user interface. The order of the buttons left side reflect the workflow. You can easily manage your images, rotate, comment and arrange as you want.

Runs on many systems
The Jalbum application is developed in Java, therefore it runs on every operating system which is capable of running Java, including Windows (all versions), Mac OSX, Linux, Solaris, HP-UX, AIX, OS2.

32 Languages
The Jalbum application most likely speaks your language — it comes with 32!

Skins — endless customization
Skins define the gallery appearence and functionality. Jalbum has 7 skins built-in with tons of more skins available for download.

Add images with drag & drop
Adding your images to the Jalbum application is simple: just drag and drop!

Add comments
Use the Comments button to add comments (which may even contain HTML formatting).

IPTC and EXIF support
Most Jalbum skins support IPTC and EXIF data to display in your Jalbum. Look for special features, like integration with Google Maps.

Apply filters
Apply filters to your images, like Tint filter, Border, Grayscale, Watermark, Fixed shape, Logotype, Text, Blur, Sharpen, Zoom

Other Filetypes
The Jalbum application supports various types of files*, not just JPG images, and many skins also support movies and audio. * (avi mpg mpeg mpe mp4 mov wmv asf asx wvx 3gp divx xvid qt mp3 wma ram rm swf flv tiff psd zip arj sit rar xml pdf doc xls ppt mdb djvu djv odt ods odp odg odb)

Make Jalbum
When you are happy with the choice of skin, comments and other settings, simply hit the Make Jalbum button. The Jalbum application builds your Jalbum and prepares it for the web. Check the result with the Preview button.

Publish to the web
Publishing your album to the web is easy; use your free Jalbum account or any other hosting provider.

Your personal page: yourname.jalbum.net
With Jalbum's account you get a unique url: yourname.jalbum.net. Sign in to the Jalbum application to upload your Jalbums to your new web album page.

Upload the Jalbum
At the click of a button, the Jalbum application will upload your Jalbums!

Share your Jalbum
After publishing your spectacular Jalbum, we've made it easy for you to share your Jalbum. Use the Share function to Send a link, share on your favorite social network site or embed it in a blog.

Manage your Jalbums
You can manage your Jalbums — add new, delete, password protect — straight from the Jalbum application.

Your uploaded Jalbum
Voilá... Your Jalbum is up and running.

Create your own skin
If you still haven't found what you were looking for, develop your own skin! Jalbum skins use a simple method to describe gallery templates, and you can also use BeanShell scripting or Java to create more sophisticated features.

Homepage - http://jalbum.net/

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