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قديم 05-04-2010, 05:45 PM
مع عملاق الحمايه كاسبر سكاى للموبايل مع مفتاح التشغيل Kaspersky Mobile Secuirty v9.0

Kaspersky Mobile Secuirty v9.0.52 Multi Key

اقوى برنامج كاسبر سكاى للموبايل وتنظيف الجوال بحجم 5 ميجا

Kaspersky Mobile Secuirty v9.0.52 Multi Key | 5.3 Mb
The program provides integrated protection of smartphones running the Symbian operating system and Windows Mobile. The structure of Kaspersky Mobile Security includes a lot of tools that will enable secure job smartphone and prevent leaks of confidential information.
Features of Kaspersky Mobile Security:
- Check your smartphone files for viruses.
- Automatic antivirus database updates.
- Blocks network attacks and dangerous network connections.
- You can hide personal contacts, phone calls, SMS messages.
- Search function on the GPS will determine the location of stolen or lost device.
- You can store user files in encrypted folders.
- The service of black and white lists of subscribers. Calls and SMS messages from phone numbers from the blacklist will be ignored.
- Parental control allows you to restrict calls and sending SMS messages. In this case, the search function on the GPS to quickly determine the location of your child.

How to hack Kaspersky Mobile Security 9.0.52:
To install the 9th version:
1. Send mEnvironment_v3.4.7Unsigned from the archive.
2. Send KMS_v9.0.52_rus.
3. Send KMS9PatchUnsigned.
4. Launch the program and get out of it.
5. Enter KMS Patch and click makeit.

How to hack Kaspersky Mobile Security
key on the month-AAAAA-AAAAA-AAAAA-AAAA3, after the expiration date, repeat the procedure.

Platform: Symbian OS 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4 Series 60 (only smartphones Nokia) / Windows Mobile 5.0, 6.0, 6.1, 6.5
Language: Multi
License: Shareware (Cracked)
Size: 5.3 Mb
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