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قديم 08-27-2010, 11:57 PM
I purchased this item for my fiance and thought it would be close to what the actual jersey would look like but we were both sad to find out that that was not the case, if you are don't care if it looks official or not, this is a good choice. But if you are a true hardcore Fan of a particular team stay away from replicas.Brett Favre Vikings jerseyTarvaris Jackson Vikings jerseyPercy Harvin Vikings jerseySIDNEY RICE Vikings jerseyAdrian Peterson Vikings jerseyE.J. 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The other (let's call him LT) represents the firm with class and dignity, and is the most efficient worker they've ever had.all the team jerseys are designed as the authentic styles. One day, they both come down with injuries while typing.arizona cardinals has won one nfc championship game in 2008. Phil has a torn ligament in his wrist, while LT is in the early stages of developing carpal tunnel syndrome.nfl is divided into two major areas: american football conference,afc,and national football conference,nfc. They both need time off,Jack Youngblood jersey, but the firm's biggest client goes on trial in one week.all the nfl jerseys here enjoy high quality with 80% discount. Phil decides to fight through his tremendous pain, because the person who would take over his work (William E.each union includes four quarters, each cell has four teams. Volek) isn't trusted by anybody in the firm.all the arizona cardinals jerseys sold here are designed as the authentic jerseys,with nice fashionable styles,high quality but lower price. LT takes the necessary time off,PEYTON MANNING jersey, comforted by the fact that his replacement is infinitely better than Phil's,MIKE JENKINS jersey, and can help the company get through its busy time.in the six-plus decades since winning the championship in 1947,the cardinals have qualified for the playoffs only six times and have won only five playoff games,three of which were achieved during their run in the 2008-09 nfl playoffs in which they reached super bowl xliii. After the trial,Troy Aikman jersey, everyone hails Phil's courage, even though the damage in his wrist is so severe that he might not be able to work when they next need him.nfl total 32 teams. LT is condemned for his choice, even though he decreased his risk of suffering a long-term injury by getting adequate rest.the 2010 afc-nfc pro bowl is an upcoming nfl pro bowl, a game to honor the all-star players of the 2009 nfl season as selected by fans and their peers. Despite the fact that LT is an all-time great secretary,Limas Sweed jersey, and had only called in sick once before in his career,Chris Williams jersey, he will forever be remembered for failing to come through in that one week, and his years of hard work become tainted in the process.it will take place at 8:00 pm est on sunday, january 31, 2010, at sun life stadium in miami gardens, florida,the home stadium of the miami dolphins and host site of super bowl xliv.Seems kind of rough,Ike Taylor jersey, no? How many of us would do what LT did,TARVARIS JACKSON jersey, and make sure to avoid long-term injury in order to continue earning a good living for their family? This situation came to fruition this past Sunday in the AFC Championship Game, when San Diego's future Hall-of-Fame running back, LaDainian Tomlinson, carried the ball only twice against New England due to a sprained medial collateral ligament in his knee.the 2008 baltimore ravens season was the 13th season for the team in the nfl. Their inconsistent quarterback, Philip Rivers,Nate Burleson jersey, played the whole game with a completely torn anterior cruciate ligament in his knee, and actually had preliminary surgery six days before in a last ditch effort to play.they defeated the miami dolphins in the wild card round of the playoffs, and then in the divisional round they defeated the tennessee titans,who had compiled the best record in the afc over the regular season. It's possible that he won't be back in time for their next training camp, as recovery time for this injury can last up to eight months.here you will find cheap nfl jerseys,the nfl falcons #2 matt ryan jerseys ,home jerseys at 80% discount. As expected, Rivers has been universally hailed for his courage, while Tomlinson has been lambasted by fans and media members alike.the team looked to match or improve upon their 11-5 record from 2008 and return to the playoffs, however the falcons were eliminated from contention in week 15. The obvious question that emerges is this: why do we expect so much from pro athletes? In no other area of life would we debate this dilemma.you can find #5 joe flacco jersey satisfied. If you have an injury, and it's going to affect your production, you take time off to heal.we offer cheap nfl jerseys for baltimore ravens,all the jerseys designed as the authentic styles. Case closed.despite having one of the toughest schedules in the nfl, the ravens completed a major turnaround from the 2007 season, finishing the season with an 11-5 record and a playoff berth. However, if you play pro sports, and especially pro football, it isn't enough to just be good at your job.the 2009 atlanta falcons season is the 44th season for the team in the national football league. You also have to have a level of toughness that's acceptable to not only your teammates, but to the millions of people on their couches who watch and criticize what you do.despite not making the playoffs, the team, with a record of 9-7, posted consecutive winning seasons for the first time in franchise history.We as fans always expect a superhuman effort from our athletes.we also offer considerate service. We demand it, since they charge us so much for tickets, and especially since the athletes get paid such ludicrous amounts of money.we offer cheap nfl jerseys ,bills jerseys,all the jerseys designed as the authentic styles. So this past Sunday, everyone wanted to see the Chargers play the Patriots with their full complement of starters.you can find buffalo bills #12 jim kelly throwback 1990 super bowl jersey. We wanted LaDainian to tough it out, since his presence would have made the game better.the carolina panthers are a professional american football team based in charlotte,north carolina, representing north carolina and south carolina in the national football league. The problem is that there are plenty of instances when athletes did risk it all, and never were the same again.the bills began competitive play in 1960 as a charter member of the american football league and joined the nfl as part of the afl-nfl merger. We always seem to forget that Bill Walton felt such pressure to play through injury that he went against his personal beliefs in the '78 playoffs and took pain killers in order to deal with his foot problems.they are currently members of the south division of the national football conference (nfc) in the national football league (nfl). We also seem to forget that over the next five years, he missed 3 full seasons, and played in only 14 and 33 games in the other two.they are the only nfl team to play their home games within new york state. We also forget that NFL players are more prone to depression, arthritis,DWAYNE BOWE jersey, and an assortment of other mental and physical problems when their careers are over, because they take risks similar to the one Rivers took.the carolina panthers jerseys designed at fashionable styles. So while I respect Rivers' toughness, I can't use his decision as a reason to fault Tomlinson.the buffalo bills are a professional american football team based in the metropolitan area of buffalo,new york. Because there is no right or wrong way to deal with this dilemma.in their 15 years of existence, the panthers have compiled a record of 115-121,and appeared in super bowl xxxviii in houston,STEVE SMITH jersey,texas. If Rivers felt like the risk was worth it, and LaDainian didn't, then who are we to tell them otherwise? Only one thing is certain - next year, if LaDainian continues to break records, while Rivers struggles to make it back from his injury, people will finally acknowledge the complexity of this issue, which isn't as clear-cut as it's currently being presented.the panthers,along with the jacksonville jaguars, joined the nfl as expansion teams in 1995.
قديم 08-28-2010, 02:01 AM

الذين ماتوا من أجل ألا يموتوا لهم .. عصافير الصباح مدى

إلى شهداء الحرية والكرامة في كل بقعه من أرض الوطن العربي

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إذا تم اكتشاف نقل موضوع دون ذكر كلمة منقول
سيتم انذار صاحبه وإن كررها سيوقف

قبل نقل أية معلومة دينية يُرجى التأكد من صحتها
وذِكر مصدرها
ويُرجى عند اضافة الآيات القرآنية ذِكر أرقامها وأسماء السور ، وتحري الصحيح في الأحاديث النبوية الشريفة
جزاكم الله كل خير

المنتدى أمانة في أيديكم
فلنترقِ سويا بمنتدانا الغالي
قديم 09-20-2010, 11:27 AM
  因受害人被指为女幼师,嫌犯中有人被指来自教育系统,为向旌德县教育局求证此事,记者拨打了当地教育局洪局长的手机,但其手机始终处于“来电提醒业务”状态。  旌德警方  公务员轮奸女幼师   三名嫌犯已被刑拘   农历七月初七被称为中国“情人节”。当天晚上,旌德县一男子为与两位“战友”分享“情人节”的快乐,竟将一位醉酒的女幼师带到宾馆实施了轮奸。8月20日,记者从旌德警方获悉,3名犯罪嫌疑人已被刑事拘留。   20日下午,记者赶到旌德县城展开调查发现,“女幼师被轮奸”一时成为街头谈资。一烟酒店徐老板说,现在当地居民都言传:案发现场为小天鹅宾馆,glass fiber rope,女子遭轮奸前曾喝了酒。当地市民徐先生说,女幼师与一位教育系统的男子熟悉,16日“情人节”当天,两人相约在一家酒店见面,酒后两人在小天鹅宾馆开房。两人走进房间后,该男子为与两位“战友”分享“情人节”的 快乐,又邀请了两名男子来到客房,面对酒后的女幼师,三人竟对其实施了轮奸。  8月19日,旌德论坛一条《旌德发生了轮奸案》的帖子发布后,由于帖子中声称强奸女幼师的3人中有来自教育系统、司法系统的工作人员 ,使得该帖备受当地市民关注。   “17日凌晨,被害女子报警后,旌德警方立即展开了调查。目前三名犯罪嫌疑人已被刑拘,案件还在侦查过程中。”20日下午,旌德县公安局一位分管刑侦的副局长在接受记者采访时表示,为了保护受害人与嫌疑人的个 人隐私,具体案情不便透露。   黄女士告诉记者,农历七月初七当晚,一名男子在没有出示身份证件的情况下,宾馆女服务员便为其提供方便开了钟点房。“令宾馆没有想到的是,因服务员的疏忽,当晚竟发生了一起刑事案件。”黄女士介绍说,当晚来开 房间的是一名男子,该男子入住的是宾馆一楼的一个客房。“该客房后来到底有几人入住,我并不清楚。由于钟点房每小时30元,一个小时后,旅客便退了房。”   对于受害人是不是幼儿园教师?三名嫌犯中是否有来自教育系统与司法系统的工作人员?这位副局长表示,此案比较复杂,嫌犯的工作单位、姓名都不便透露。这位副局长表示,有一点可以肯定,三名犯罪嫌疑人均非公务员 ,现已对犯罪事实供认不讳,teflon,案情正在进一步调查之中。本报记者老春曹庆蒋六乔摄影报道  20日傍晚,记者以旅客的身份入住旌德县城的小天鹅宾馆时,发现宾馆服务员对旅客的身份登记十分严格。该宾馆的老板黄女士告诉记者,之所以要求旅客严 格按要求入住宾馆,是因为16日宾馆内发生了一起案件。   黄女士表示,事发后,民警来到宾馆找当班的值班服务员了解过情况,随后自己才知道宾馆发生的案件。现在女服务员辞职回家了,警方要求宾馆工作人员对案发一事要保密。黄女士说,至于到底是什么人强奸了女幼师,黄 女士说因宾馆没留下旅客的身份资料,因此也无法了解嫌犯的具体情况,glass fiber。   男子无证开钟点房   宾馆老板   坊间传闻
قديم 09-20-2010, 05:33 PM
مشكوووووووووورين على ردودكم
سأل الحب الصداقه .. ما قيمه وجودك في الدنيا ما دمت أنا موجود ؟؟؟ فاجابت الصداقه : وجدت ( لاصنع الابتسامه حينما تترك أنت الدموع...)
مع تحيات العضو
قديم 10-11-2010, 04:53 PM
مشكوراخوي انت مبدع بل انت الابداع

الحيـــــآآآآآه دمعتـــــــــآآآن.... دمعــــــــة لقـــــآآآء ودمعــــــة فـرآآآآق
فـأن لم تجمعنــآآ الآيـــــــام .... فســوف تجمعنــا الاحـــــــــــلآم
فـأن لم تجمعنـآآ الاحـــــــلآم .... فســوف تجمعنـا الذكريـــــآآت
وروعتهـا بالآمــل زي اللقــاء

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كيف تفهم مافي نفوس الأخرين وأنت صامت .... nouraden أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 20 08-13-2014 08:29 PM
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