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قديم 05-28-2010, 08:32 PM
حصري: برنامج Psiloc Space Doubler لمضاعفة حجم الذاكرة و ضغط الملفات بشكل رهيب

Psiloc Space Doubler v2.12

بنسخته الكاملة و مكسور الحماية ، من الفرن اليكم البرنامج الاسطورة لمضاعفة حجم ذاكرة الموبايل مع ضغط الملفات "Files Compression" بشكل رهيب حتى يرجعها صغيرة الحجم

شرح بالانجليزي :
Use the Space Doubler application to save a lot of space in your smartphone’s memory. Select the software to be compressed. After the process ends, Space Doubler presents the compression ratio. The applications can be run and used in a normal way. If you want to use the compressed software it will unpack automatically and compress again when you exit. Space Doubler allows customizing compression settings for every application. The application shows clear graphic reports about occupied, compressed and available memory space. The process is very fast, almost invisible to the user. Save limited memory space to make the most of your smartphone!

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