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قديم 06-05-2010, 09:36 PM
Hiren's BootCD 10.5 (2010) Multi Links

Hiren's BootCD
- an indispensable tool used by many computer technicians and system administrators. At one bootable CD contains dozens of the most famous programs and utilities for running DOS. These are utilities for working with hard drive, it vosrazvitiya and diagnostic utility of diagnosis of all computer components, file managers, utilities for the network, and many others. Hiren's BootCD eliminates very important to keep on hand dozens and dozens of CDs with important in the daily work programs.

Changes from Hiren's BootCD 10.4 to 10.5:
+ GParted Partition Editor 0.5.2, + G4L Ghost 4 Linux 0.33a, + Partition Image - PartImage 0.6.9, + SoftPerfect File Recovery 1.2, + Defraggler 1.19, + IrfanView 4.27, + Smart Boot Manager 3.7.1, + LicenseCrawler 0.0 .42, + ViVard 1.0, + CleanUp! 4.5.2, + Fix NTLDR is missing, + PartitionRecovery 1.0, + Recovery is Possible (RIP) Linux 9.4, + ERUNT 1.1j, + SelfImage, - Winsock 2 Fix for Windows 95/98/Me, - Active Uneraser , - Registry Reanimator, - Defragger, - The Troubleshooter 2002, - Partition Commander 2004, - Pointsec filter driver (issues with Disk Management)

Partition Wizard Home Edition 5.0, Hard Disk Sentinel 1.00.5, HDAT2 4.53 Re-compiled, 7-Zip 9.13b, MBRWiz 3.0.46, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 1.46 (0306), SpywareBlaster 4.3 (0306), SuperAntispyware 4.38.1004 ( 0306), Spybot - Search & Destroy 1.6.2 (0306), FastCopy 2.01, Drive SnapShot 1.40, CCleaner 2.32.1165, SeaTools for Dos - GUI 2.20, Universal TCP / IP Network 6.5, WirelessKeyView 1.34, Process Explorer 12.03, Process Monitor 2.91, ProcessActivityView 1.11, Memtest86 + 4.10, TestDisk 6.12b, PhotoRec 6.12b, Recuva 1.37.488, RegFromApp 1.21, RegScanner 1.82, HijackThis 2.0.4, Silent Runners Revision 61, BlueScreenView 1.26, GPU-Z 0.4.3, PC Wizard 2010.1 .94, USBDeview 1.70, ShellExView 1.47, SIW 2010-05-12, UnknownDevices 1.4.20 (0306), PCI 32 Sniffer 1.4 (0306), PCI and AGP info Tool (0306), ComboFix (0306), Dr.Web CureIt ! Antivirus (0306)

Checksums Hirens.BootCD.10.5.zip
Filesize: 266.03 MB (278,947,742 bytes)
ISO MD5: 2B4AC3DE898324B3A9518FE96536C930
ZIP MD5: 0B754A08E060FF5B2A637FC575272746

Operating system: Windows ® 2000/XP/Vista/7
Language: English
Released: 2010
Size: 266 MB

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Anti-Trojan Elite 5.0.0 Multi-language Multi-Links m7med017 أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 0 05-29-2010 04:55 PM

الساعة الآن 07:26 PM.

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