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شعر و قصائد القسم يهتم بالشعر العربي الفصيح والعامي الموزون, المكتوب بأقلام الأعضاء لا نقبل القصائد المنقولة

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قديم 08-24-2010, 07:47 AM
Pu Zhao alleged that in September 2006, he set in Beijing in Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. signed a Honda contract of commercial, residential houses to buy Suzaku gate. Contract, the developer should be December 31, 2006 delivery of housing and 720 days from the date of delivery (ie, December 21, 2008) are guaranteed to get real estate license, late the daily housing fund to three ten thousandths of breach of contract gold. After the contract is signed, ZHAO Pu-paid more than 240 million total to buy a house, but on July 22 last year he was able to obtain real estate license, accumulated 212 days overdue. Pu Zhao constitutes a fundamental breach of contract that the developer should pay the penalty in accordance with the contract of 15.3 million yuan. hearing, the developers argued,Wedding Dresses Bridesmaid, led to delays in processing housing permits is a result of the Beijing Municipal Construction Committee in May 2007 issued an \foreign share parts Loudong, Surveying and Mapping to participate in the Loudong and assessed Loudong Gailou be completed by the plan only after acceptance to housing area measured. for the existence of initial registration Loudong sharing parts outside the building , then the House, where the Loudong has to be a part of sharing the initial registration process or applying for initial registration of the Loudong. \housing register policy change is caused by delay, is a force majeure, the developer should not be held liable for breach. court, the adoption of the developer's view that the developer failed to apply within the time stipulated in the contract to complete the registration and ownership transfer of property rights registration, is due to the adjustment of the Urban Construction Commission,Vintage Short Wedding Dress, due on the policy has not predictable, are acts of God, there can not be determined subjectively developers deliberately delayed fault. court also pointed out that developers in the Urban Construction Commission to re-adjust the relevant policy, has been handled within a reasonable time for the Pu Zhao a real estate license,Simple Wedding Dress, not to Pu Zhao living and housing in normal use of the actual impact. Pu Zhao's appeal, the court not support it. Court costs 5,038 yuan, up to the Pu Zhao burden. yesterday, ZHAO Pu-phone, said he expected the first instance verdict, because the prior owners had filed the same lawsuit, also lost. He will appeal.
قديم 09-04-2010, 12:37 AM
يسلمو يسلمو لندن بلس

انا احس بمعناتها البنوتة


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