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قديم 07-11-2010, 08:31 PM
~.. My Darkness Life..~


Sitting in a home
Nothing but lone
Living in the darkness
While my family are living in happiness
Obviation the light
I Can’t sleep at night
Just thinking about my life
Thinking about my stabbing heart
They killing me inside
Even though..they are satisfied
What can I do?!
Except sitting in this dark room
Wondering if i can lose my soul
I know that I’m too young to think about this..
But i just can’t live a lone in this darkness...

i hope you like it..
Happinese Is Just A Word To Me

قديم 07-11-2010, 08:40 PM
well ..we must c always that spot light which it could be in all this darkness
even if there's not ..we must break
the walls !!!
sumtimes we feel lonely ...and that blur our eyes that sumone in near is thinkin' of us and wishin' for us the best
without our known ^^
anyway i started to write and i forgot to tell ya rele this is a gr8 poem indeed
u r fantastic gul !!keep goin' with this
u r nice ~~
wish ya the best honey
God bless ya
?Đō ũ bεĪεīνε īή Ļύν
Ļīķε Ĩ bεĪεīνε Ĩή ρaīή
قديم 07-11-2010, 08:47 PM
you think that??..and thank you for seeing my topic ^ ^
Happinese Is Just A Word To Me

قديم 07-20-2010, 12:16 PM
hi hi girl friend

how r u

soooo nice

i just love it

thx honey

c u

Don'T ĂśҜ mễ

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