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نكت و ضحك و خنبقة القسم لا يهتم بشيء سوى الفكاهة والضحكة البريئة والمواقف الساخرة والمقالب بين الأعضاء

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قديم 08-19-2010, 08:36 PM


قديم 08-24-2010, 07:31 AM
2010 年 evening of June 5, Changsha,Store A Wedding Dress, signed a five-star hotel received a \element. Since then, the city's many luxury hotels hotels and large supermarkets are similar extortion letters received in succession. this series of cases of leaders at all levels caused great concern in Changsha, Changsha Municipal Public Security Bureau and other leaders have instructed the Secretary Lijie De Changsha Public Security Bureau, Criminal Investigation Unit, led with the related units and the police will strive to solve the case as soon as possible to prevent significant social harm. Subsequently, the criminal investigation detachment of the history was still headed the task force Chi rapid establishment of organizations capable forces, the full project crucial. task force on the place by more than 10 Hotels in Changsha, a large supermarket and a similar series of cases, retrieval of relevant video data involved analysis of these cases were confirmed as the same person, and successfully Locking a wearing \ After further investigation, the ad hoc police successfully mastered the locus of criminal suspects,Most Beautiful Wedding Dresses, on August 14 at noon will Yuhua District, Changsha Red Star is a large market near the Post Bank to prepare withdrawal of criminal suspects cold political School captured. cold in Yiyang City,Wedding Dresses Designers, bought a sun hat, sunglasses, wigs, fled to after the instruments of crime such as Changsha, has signed 13 \, the number of luxury hotels Changsha hotels and major supermarkets threatened to poison letter, ask for the cash will be 2000-5000 dollars will be remitted their designated bank accounts, obtain illegal gains have a total of 8,000 yuan. Currently, suspects cold political science has been under criminal detention according to law, the case is further reviewed. relevant person in charge of Changsha Public Security Bureau, said local police are currently carry on the \action against one of the priorities. For the lawless terrorist officers deliberately fabricated false information, disrupt the normal order of society, the police will be full investigation, found together with the investigation according to law, serious consequences will be held criminally responsible. End
قديم 08-29-2010, 04:35 PM
هههههههههههههههههه موضوع عجبنى ممكن ابقى صديق لكم
*<{ صداقة بدون حد }>*
رمضان كريم
قديم 08-30-2010, 07:44 AM
قديم 08-30-2010, 09:19 AM

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مدرس يسال الطلاب-------> شوفو اجاباتهم جُ ـنۉכּ أنْثىَ~}- ● نكت و ضحك و خنبقة 53 11-05-2009 02:55 PM
ههههههههههه حرب الفئران و هروب الاسود ههههههههههه رابح صقر أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 17 09-17-2009 10:36 PM
يا جماعه شوفو شوفوا شوفو ايش سويت ما حد قدر يسوي مثلي النجمه الساطعه أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 11 08-28-2008 10:49 PM

الساعة الآن 01:46 AM.

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