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قديم 07-26-2010, 10:57 AM

As the time draws ever closer for Final Fantasy preorder ff14 cdkey XIV to level up into a beta,ffxiv gold Dengeki sat down with Producer Hiromichi Tanaka,aion gold Director Nobuaki Komoto and Planner Kenichi Iwao to discuss the progress of the game thus far. ffxiv gil Some of this article has been leaked already, preorder ffxiv cdkey and various tidbits ff14 gil can be found around different fansites. ff14 gold Let's take a look through the article itself and confirm exactly what the ff14 power leveling developers said. ffxiv power levelingServer Stability Issues Server ffxiv release date stability issues have plagued the alpha, preorder ffxiv cdkey and the developers apologize that players ff14 gold cannot fully wow cataclysm cdkey enjoy the basics of the game. wow gold At first, there were many more players than they had expected, buy cataclysm cdkey but recently the number has shrunk considerably. cataclysm cd key Phase 2ffxiv time card of the alpha will begin once they fully stabilize the current World. ff14 cd key After that, they will add a second and third world. ffxiv gil The next round of testers has already ffxiv cd key been chosen for when phase 2 of the alpha begins. ff14 time card The beta is planned to begin once a player base of around 50,000 is built and the servers are stabilized to handle them. aion kinahTester Feedback Players feel that the ff14 gil pace of battles is too slow. ff14 account The developers plan to implement a new system for the beta that is almost completely different. ffxiv account Another common complaint isffxiv time card that aspects of the game's system are not explained well. Much more detailed guidance will be added for players in the beta and retail versions. ff14 time card Problems with sluggish character animations ff14 release dateor Aetheryte not appearing are attributed to server load issues. ffxiv gold Server load and bugs have also caused errors when trying to use Battle Regimen. Players are having a hard time acquiring gil. ffxiv cd key The developers recommend Guildleve, preorder ff14 cdkey but admit the issues with the cataclysm cd keyalpha test cause people to fail their missions often.buy cataclysm They plan to add a consolation prize if you should fail a Guildleve,ffxiv accounts and also provide rewards for party members who help you.ff14 cd key
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