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العودة   عيون العرب - ملتقى العالم العربي > ~¤¢§{(¯´°•. العيــون الساهره.•°`¯)}§¢¤~ > أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه

أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه هنا توضع المواضيع الغير مكتملة او المكرره في المنتدى او المنقوله من مواقع اخرى دون تصرف ناقلها او المواضيع المخالفه.

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قديم 07-28-2010, 07:26 PM
In north Korean war approximation toward American

34 years the United States, South Korea was armed forces in South Korea and Japan) east (i.e., the international attention us-korea sea joint military exercise formally began."Great" four months after the events of the last war, making the Korean peninsula and the christian louboutin shoes military and political situation in northeast Asia, and also make more tense is more complicated for future development.Us-korea followed in August 16-26 codenamed "b" freedom of a peacekeeper joint military exercise.Carrier aircraft approximation "northern boundaries."Including the United States navy "George Washington," aircraft carrier battle group, several ship missile destroyer of beauty, Korean ships, 25 July morning when the southern port of busan from Korea to eastern waters, marks the four-day, codenamed "indomitable willpower" han mei multi joint exercises formally began.Including the nuclear-powered submarine in the U.S. navy ships, some of the 7th fleet in the east carrier formation.Part of the south Korean ships from ZhenHaiGang, and the capital of eastern waters in South Korea.The two countries were more than 20 naval ships landed, including "ship" aircraft carrier of George Washington, so-called "Asia's largest" South Korea "DuDao" transports, displacement of 4,500 tons of Korean destroyer "military" and "no", and CuiYong more than 1,800 tonnage of conventional submarine, maritime research vessel etc.Meanwhile, the newest F - 22 "raptors" fighter and Korean F - 15K KF - 16 fighter, etc, and more than 200 aircraft will be gotten off. This is the first time in Korea "raptors task execution drill airspace.This exercise, fuel supply network defensive warfare and command control, exercise, aerial refueling and hit the ball, drill sea approximation eastern waters "northern boundary.Fyi, a naval officer will "four George Washington, watching the carrier, the war. It also shows beauty, Japanese and south Korean collaborative consistent with the regional problems.The core combat forces outThe exercises are held annually, Korea "b" freedom of a peacekeeper much larger scale exercise. In more than 20 ship, with more than 200 aircraft, demonstrated unyielding will ", "the United States and South Korea officers as 8,000.The U.S. dispatched a seventh fleet and the core combat forces landed.Exercise is the most attention, is averaging 9.7 DWT "George Washington," aircraft carrier.Previously, after a series of negotiations, the United States and South Korea, will eventually "George Washington, the activities of the carrier in the sea area, the lock and not into the sea near with China. It is also not participate in a series of exercise.Another extremely military, political symbolism of sophisticated equipment is F - 22 "prey" fighter. This is the world's most advanced stealth fighter.The media reported that if the raptor deployed in South Korea, can easily tear north Korea "FangKongWang". South Korean media says, "the raptor can take half an hour in the north Korea nuclear facilities, blow in an hour will be covered in the entire north Korea attack range.Korea impose towards high-pressure roping AlliesThe United States was outspoken about the training objective and reason: north christian louboutin outlet Korea to send a "clear signal", "warning north Korea not to the wrong road at the walk away."U.S. secretary of state condoleezza Hillary Clinton previously declared us-korea series of joint war games to Pyongyang is issued "the most clear but warned."At the same time, it also borrow "day" to strengthen ally with the events of the relationship."Great", after the incident, the United States and South Korea announced to strengthen the security cooperation,Nike SB Dunk, and further discussing the details of the joint military exercises. This month, 21, south Korean foreign minister yu myung-hwan, defense minister Kim tae-young and visiting us secretary of state senator Hillary Clinton, defense secretary Robert gates in Seoul, the two countries held for the first time in history and long foreign "2 + 2" talks. The joint statement released after the meeting, the two countries would say expand and deepen cooperation "to keep alliance with north Korea back to withstand a threat to any of the joint defence".The New York times commentary, the main purpose of this series of exercise christian louboutin sale to South Korea, is one that "we with them."Korea: "we have nuclear weapons."North Korea's exercise of will react, international opinion close attention and speculation, especially "self-idle anxious to look at north Korea's nuclear button" hand.North Korean central news agency reported 24 defense committee spokesman said in a statement, the joint military exercises and the beauty of Korea held a series of military exercises will be on north Korea, is "the naked provocation", the aim is to "kill" north Korea from the military. In South Korea and America to systematically the situation on the edge of the war, north Korea will further strengthen nuclear containment "accelerated", the Korean peninsula denuclearization "will become more distant". At the same time, the north Korean military "will be when necessary" to "based on the comprehensive nuclear containing force retaliation".Statement says, in the United States and South Korea to Ann "incident" together with north Korea, Korea will take all measures to ascertain the facts, in order to maintain their reputation and dignity.The north Korean democracy and published daily, this exercise is calling, "U.S. imperialism and the puppet regime is done to provoke war." The editorial title is: "we have nuclear weapons!"National opinion about north Korea may, in accordance with the previous in external pressure increase in more nuclear and missile tests. If so, will be more complicated and the peninsula deterioration."The dialogue and war hands ready."Also has pointed out, north Korea's nuclear deterrent should not turn into a fight.North Korea's foreign ministry spokesman, actually, 24, christian louboutinPyongyang said in the upcoming military drills and implementation of the new sanctions against north Korea More link from: http://www.christianlouboutinice.com/ christian louboutin 2010 sale cheap christian louboutin 2010christian louboutin 2010 shoeschristian louboutin 2010 bootschristian louboutin boots chritian louboutin pumps christian louboutin sandals christian louboutin slingback

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