07-29-2010, 10:42 AM
Mozambique, Cape Verde discuss cooperation
The governments of Mozambique and Cape Verde on Wednesday discussed ways of strengthening the relations of cooperation between them. State radio says that for the purpose, presidents Armando Guebuza of Mozambique and Pedro Pires of Cape Verde met in Kampala, the capital of Uganda, after attending the summit of the African Union. According to Radio Mozambique, Guebuza and Pires consider the relations of cooperation between the two nations which use Portuguese as their national language as excellent, Tiffany, but stressed the importance of strengthening them. Radio Mozambique quoted Pires as saying that Mozambique and Cape Verde should work together for the benefit of the two peoples. According to Pires, Cape Verde would like to cooperate with Mozambique in the fields of education and training. Currently the two countries, members of the Community of the Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP), Tiffany, cooperate in the fields of defense and security.