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أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه هنا توضع المواضيع الغير مكتملة او المكرره في المنتدى او المنقوله من مواقع اخرى دون تصرف ناقلها او المواضيع المخالفه.

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قديم 07-30-2010, 08:20 PM
Global University Rankings baked reelection Univer

Global University Rankings baked reelection University of Hong Kong in Asia Chancellor and President on reelection of Hong Kong Asia's best universities welcome. Source: Wen Wei Po, Xinhua BEIJING, May 13, according to Hong Kong's Wen Wei Po, a Hong Kong SAR Government is determined to establish Hong Kong education hub in Asia, the international box office power ranking is of course one of the key. In the international higher education research institutions Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) University Rankings latest tally of Asia, Hong Kong and among the best schools, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology University, Chinese University once again joined this five strong, ranking No. 1 in Asia, 2 and 4 bit, beat Japan, Korea, Singapore, famous for a public university, showing that school quality is widely recognized in Hong Kong. Each year, the British "Times Higher Education Journal" (THES) world university rankings joint QS, launched in Asia in the second degree of university rankings,UGG Classic Tall Boots, University of Hong Kong top the popular list 8. Among them,Genuine Ugg Boots Bailey Button Sand, the University of Hong Kong won "Asia's first 1" of the throne, and HKUST and CUHK rankings are interchangeable, the former edged up 2 to 2, which is slightly 2 to 4,UGG Bailey Button Boots, so that the top 5 universities in Asia Strong schools are still able to play three seats in Hong Kong. As for other Hong Kong schools ranking overall good news, CityU, PolyU and HKBU were ranked 15, 30, 45, an increase of between 3-28; LU rose 16 occupy the first 193, The Hong Kong The first private university Shue Yan University, ranking 46 big l, ranked 401. Study also refers to the mainland among the top 200 largest research institutions of the outstanding number of papers cited, but as the institution has more international, it is still beyond the mainland ranked institutions. Overall, six institutions to achieve international staff out of 100; For international students, there are four schools in Hong Kong made 100. Chancellor and President of Hong Kong Asia's best universities on the reelection sense of comfort, but his six local universities listed the top 50 in Asia, even more encouraged and heartened. Science and Technology Institute of China President Chen Fanchang that, I believe that combining the advantages of Hong Kong schools, strong as an education hub, and train more high quality talent. City Kuo, BU Prof expressed, on the top up feeling happy, but not the only indicator to measure university, the school will continue its efforts to nurture talents and serve the community. Lawrence J. Lau Chinese University refers to, education is a long-term cultivation, aimed at creating knowledge for the benefit of the community should not pay attention to rankings.

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