French luxury Group Louis Vuitton-Moet Hennessey (LVMH), meanwhile, has decided to invest Rs 58 crore in In-dia for picking up stakes in two companies. While Louis Vuitton will invest Rs 26.5 crore to buy into LV Trading, Christian
Louboutin will plug in Rs 32.2 crore in Fun Fashion India
Christian Louboutin already has one store in India where it distributes products such as fashion clothing, shoes,
louboutin shoes, accessories, watches, jewellery and shoesLouis Vuitton, meanwhile, has two stores in the country and is planning to expand its retail presence. The first company, however, to get approval for retail FDI is the little known Haryana-based company - Moja
louboutin shoes Private Ltd. The foreign entity is Mauritius-based Tano India, and the Moja-Tano joint venture would be setting up an exclusive retail outlet for Nike products that would include footwear, sportswear, boots, slippers, sandals, athletic shoes and apparels of the same brandFurthermore, as part of its strategy for rapid expansion in India, US-based global restaurant chain TGI Friday's has bought a 25 per cent stake in its Indian master franchisee, Bistro Hospitality, for an undisclosed amount, with plans to open 60 restaurants over the next five to seven years. The company plans to have 25 outlets, up from the cur-rent level of six, over the next three years. Speaking to the media during his earlier visit to India, Richard T. Snead, President and CEO of TGIF, had said that investing in India is part of the group's strategy for establishing a leadership position"India, as a market is coming of age. For us, India is profitable business and we are re-investing our gains into the country," he said. The company has plans to invest another $ 1 million over the next one year for upgrading existing TGI Friday's outlets. TGI Friday's is a subsidiary of Carlson Restaurants Worldwide. Carlson also has plans to intro-duce other restaurant brands in the group in India, such as Pick Up Stix, in the next year相关的主题文章:
Accessories take charge ;Menswear feels the power HIGHLIGHT in Paris this week to promote his own new range of shoes