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أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه هنا توضع المواضيع الغير مكتملة او المكرره في المنتدى او المنقوله من مواقع اخرى دون تصرف ناقلها او المواضيع المخالفه.

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قديم 08-02-2010, 06:50 AM
Why must seal estate regulation

Ten years of real estate is the most severe regulation has been a quarter. Various sound reasoning, and also more up, such as emphasis on economic growth of real estate ed hardy clothing DaiDongXing and the importance of local fiscal revenue, Emphasis is also a kind of human rights, the buyers shall not be limited by special, And some of the real estate industry is closely related, such as steel prices are known as the negative influence of regulation. All these, "regulation of life will change".Should not ignore the voice, but we think of the real estate market, the existing problems and control strategy, has no long-term thinking, should not change the present before established control framework, direction and avoid light speech more relaxed.In our opinion, the real estate market, the strict control of the most fundamental lies in rising rapidly,air jordan space jam 11s, prices in squeals, affect people's happiness, affect the future of urbanization process, the influence to the developing countries like China and population power must adhere to the "based on industrial, based on employment" big economic strategy.Long-term since, Chinese real estate industry mainstream consensus is "not be ed hardy swimwear capped whereas, seal", namely, rely mainly on the government to solve problems (capped whereas affordable housing market), and for commercial, should according to the market rules of natural development, should not price intervention. High prices, as long as people buy, but also for tax more contribution. In this opinion, "bottom" and "top" seems to be two unrelated to the Lord, the system, the development and peaceful.But the truth? Just face reality, can discover, "top" and "bottom" exists some inner link, "top" regulation, capped whereas also hard to do, At the same time, the real estate market main interest groups to "top" interest preference is far higher than for the "care". Take the government, originally, its main function is to provide public products, specific to housing area, its main duty is to benefit the people's livelihood, especially in the security needs of the low-income reside. However, from the land of the ed hardy sale published throughout the land supply and affordable for developing situation, most cities are not in this aspect. Instead, the local government for high for all form a path dependence.In our opinion, not control "and the", "bottom" difficult to solve problems.First, the real estate market itself has "externalities", or "price spillover effect". And those who pursue "zero-sum game rules" market, in "zero-sum game" (imagine casinos), lost and won the game and win, but others besides, and real estate market, if one of the "top" city has been raised, the city of high fry in all areas of the house prices will "things". As we saw in each city, a plate prices up to 2 million from 1 million, then gradually spread to other plates, pushing up the price system. When the rich people is fond of asset revaluation of the game, the sandwich class society, the poor and the purchasing power of the limited more scarce, inner contradictions and pressure nature will rise.Second, the real estate market of the "top" is how to increase? In real estate, and a ed hardy t shirts slight conscience will admit, one of the main reasons is that the real estate assets to invest a speculative phenomena are very common, developers hoarding, intermediaries and privileged MouSi greed, various regulation as cut-scenes, finally, the "real estate is rich," shortcut "real estate investment strategy" is hoarding, become a kind of the collective unconscious. Who is not to buy a house, who don't fry house, who stand big house, who don't chase a person of extraordinary powers curtilage, in fact, little proletarian into production, and thus tends to "class." immiserizing This kind of money-oriented, for all the assets of the "trading house culture", the whole society to the labor value, rational consumption, the balance of damage, is very great. Those assets, and not because of its name dozens of property will gain life happiness, but because of its high ed hardy shirts price effect hoarding, makes people less happy, Those who follow the "blind", not because of lack lived on a person of extraordinary powers curtilage more happy, but to let oneself current consumption atrophy, instead more anxious, While low-income workers and society, and the cities of the house as a "alien" strength, but misery.We have no intention of marketization, we consider the opposition in the market in resource allocation efficiency, or just results than government mode. But, we urge in China's real estate market, some basic in principle, must have the "seal top". So-called "seal top", not a dish someplace to intervene in the price, but to establish firmly containing some unreasonable demand.For example, in our city, in the gift of nature, such as the land near the real estate development and can not used for public use for posterity? !And as we can, "a family has much more homes is unreasonable demand" are discussed and determined? One set of line not line? After more than is not buy housing, if you want to buy, you must first will sell existing housing. For those who already existing "unreasonable demand" real, even can consider it within a certain period of time required to sell (the term can cut across the deadline is put down to greatly improve transactional tax). Society should have a kind of culture, the more glorious than hoarding assets, especially with privileges hoarding assets shall be as a shameful phenomenon.We know that these proposals perhaps hard, but we wanted to show a ed hardy value that China should also must be a healthy, based on the entity economy, the living needs of rational nation, not an indulgence, "speculative assets by privileged dependence, leading the market" top "country. There should be a kind of system and culture of encouragement and restriction, let everyone feel labor glory, honor and glory, innovation, and no responsibility is rich, the crafty runs speculators.If we don't live in the market to "top" interest groups, and then send the strong signal, they always in various plausible reason not toMORE LINK FROM: http://www.edhardyuksale.com/ ed hardy mens t shirt men ed hardy shirtsed hardy mens jeansed hardy love kills ed hardy womens shortsed hardy womens t shirtsed hardy sunglasses ed hardy belts ed hardy caps ed hardy hats

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