عيون العرب - ملتقى العالم العربي

العودة   عيون العرب - ملتقى العالم العربي > ~¤¢§{(¯´°•. العيــون الساهره.•°`¯)}§¢¤~ > أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه

أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه هنا توضع المواضيع الغير مكتملة او المكرره في المنتدى او المنقوله من مواقع اخرى دون تصرف ناقلها او المواضيع المخالفه.

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قديم 08-06-2010, 06:58 AM
Luxury french shoe A fundamental understanding of

Speaking of non-woven many people would think that it is used to make shopping bags, for how it is made, what purpose, what special features it; many friends for the complete answer to the above questions should be few (of course the workers who weaving cloth or a friend for its study is no problem, but so that we are talking about here is the general public.) This is the ordinary people we talk about all the above problems! Non-woven (or non-woven English called Non Woven) is directed or random fibers and form. Such as multi-use of polypropylene (pp material) pellets as raw material, melting,Luxury french shoe, spinning, shop classes, one-step continuous production from hot coiling. Due to the appearance of a cloth and some properties of the cloth called. But they are by including chemical fiber and plant fiber in water or air,Ralph Lauren polo, as under the conditions of the suspension medium or dry in the wet on the paper machine made, although not for the cloth woven by the textile so called.

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المواضيع المتشابهه
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
أعرف شخصيتط من خلال كتاب"understanding Your Personality" fafa11 علم النفس 16 07-24-2012 08:26 PM
Luxury french shoe Characteristics of non-woven fa zxcv56oypuo أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 0 08-06-2010 06:15 AM
french courses online : spanish courses online Learn French Free :: French online for mody2trade أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 2 06-20-2009 05:59 PM

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