08-07-2010, 01:02 PM
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Thin, soft and lively type. Barber: Ask your stylist cut your hair under the bridge until you come two inches long, ghd Purple Styler, and cut by hand cut out the length of Man are training a little different on several levels. Liu children should be thick, ghd mini styler, just to the length of the eye, face bent down over molding. modeling: ● Apply with moist hair setting lotion hair. ● Use a hair dryer to speed drying in the same time, hair, hand, slightly, Man all training until the hair is almost dry. ● key steps: When the hair Jiucheng dry, comb with a large circle and equipment a concentration of the limelight of Hairdryer hair-drying the peak, three inches and the amount of children in front of Liu and Liu children bend the conclusion of breeze. ● When the hair dryer, will be divided into six equal copies of all training and Man with a large volume of heat curlers out of fluffy curls, and after cooling, remove the curlers, jitter of the volumes. ● Finally, the colored light hair essence, to make hair more shiny Sleek. premise: Do you have curly hair or straight hair, long hair and shawl look. Speaking Training Corposize Training