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العودة   عيون العرب - ملتقى العالم العربي > ~¤¢§{(¯´°•. العيــون الساهره.•°`¯)}§¢¤~ > أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه

أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه هنا توضع المواضيع الغير مكتملة او المكرره في المنتدى او المنقوله من مواقع اخرى دون تصرف ناقلها او المواضيع المخالفه.

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قديم 08-07-2010, 01:06 PM
green ghd After many years in and meet friends, ma

Bianyang it.? Like, or the year that step. Long hair, cap, dress ...... yes, this is the woman of my life tips. For a woman it: Many people long for wealth, showed themselves more money and more happiness show off how affluent, know how to enjoy, to wear fashion brand, with advanced cosmetic, there is ample time to go to fitness to beauty ....... these, and my vitality simply do not tournament. I do not like to show off, but also not have their own time, but I have my own ideals have their own creative space and their lives. my experience, my wisdom, I am willing to portion,ghd ceramic straightenersuk ghd SEO 101 - Basic Optimization, but not for people to demonstrate off. no significant return to the old peak,ic. often go to beauty salons, cosmetics can do with advanced non-significant old face, but can not do and never mind the young. talk about my Life in Brief: 1. long hair. If you do not desire the boy's dress, do not like it cool, then it must be left long hair. is simply to be over the shoulder. Whether you are 8 years old or 80 years old long hair woman more womanly. Do not over 40, say the more the better save trouble. In fact, save problem, when their own comfort, others looked uncomfortable. like wearing the same wear. it save trouble, but during the day in pajamas no one will extol You look very comfortable. On the contrdiffer, their efforts to do so do not bother to look after the others will be comfortable. on such make-up: Make too much trouble every day, but people will think you look at the makeup face every day very clean and cool people. It is significant to know how to enjoy the fun of hair care. But Do not perm the age of 30, iron the hair of young girls were at least 10 years old .30 target before the age of 18 years is to maintain pure image, straight hair, coupled with the appropriate card, hair band. If the special yearning for curly hair with a curling iron can come out with good consequences volume after the age of .30 can be a perm, you can show the charm mature woman. In frule, the hair iron do not fret about bad care, a bottle of hair oil light enough to make long curly hair flowing naturally .40 years old, 50-year-old comb the high spirit of cauda equina emergeed hundreds of times at once, energetic .60 must be over the age of a head hair bun. Appears as a temperament. 2. Hat. Usually neat hair care of when you can not have a hat. No time to take care of hair, a hat is crucial. The optimal hat is a cap, preferably sporty cap. The color is better light color. Wear look after the specific activityivity, the following should be equipped with casual wear or sportswear. brought along children's hats must have. spring, summer and stronger than UV. So, from April ~ October shading .30 need to restore the skin after the age of increasingly diminished capacity. a minuscule stain will also affect the make-up. 3. makeup. though not make up more natural, more true colors. but the charm of painting light make sure the rise. do not spconclusion too much spent a long time makeup. the point marked with white face paint lipadhere, and blusher can point. blush it is absolutely necessary, most appear bloody red, happiness is a blush. other fractions of the earthscaping for the additional items, please do not makeup, had all been young and beautiful in appearance flooded cosmetics, and at least 5 years of age were old. 4. dress. high fashion can not buy, but the dress must have four or more. a season one must have. Dress is always the judgment is invariably a sweet little princess a woman. Women must dress to wear dress, wear taste. piercing smell of the season. pale mainly in spring, regardless of age. older should wear vibrant color. Becomes all the more strength and young men live air. Summer too, but never as much heat on the storm drain tender skin, the more violent the more serious injuries leakage.'ll Put an umbrella. Wear sun protection shirt. Autumn must fall color, the color of winter to be winter, some of the more profound idea of winter. Remember, fat people should never wear clothes with a large floral pattern, they should not wear clothes with a bar,green ghd, will play the more clearly the effect of fat . the best wearing black clothes were thin. above is my little woman experiences. whether the reason for this?

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