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أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه هنا توضع المواضيع الغير مكتملة او المكرره في المنتدى او المنقوله من مواقع اخرى دون تصرف ناقلها او المواضيع المخالفه.

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قديم 08-09-2010, 08:34 AM
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_1481 Class teacher, you in the end that do? School of Continuing Education in a university teaching. Continue Medical School students are not too fond of learning, skipping rather serious. I am writing to apply in the school, students from the computer point of view, this course is entirely superfluous classes, skipping phenomenon is particularly serious. College of order: the class teacher must adhere to the church each class to monitor the situation students to classes, to prevent sticking to the class teacher escort. soon started school the first semester, students for new schools, there are fresh, but also so that their own results on such a good school should be able to cherish the opportunity. So when the school discipline school can still, sometimes sleeping students lie on the table, but also can tolerate the range. As long as this level of students for school teachers, have been very satisfied. Class teacher is a retired veteran surnamed Hung teachers work extremely responsible. Opening the first class,mbt shoes, quiet class, I spoke was invested, Meng hear \also surprised, turned to look, the class teacher is standing in a rage rubbing red eyes, apparently in front of the students had just been awakened. I was moved while the class teacher professionalism,true religion jeans, but also find it unnecessary. Students will sleep the sleep for a while,air jordan 2010, but my class was he such a shock, kind of put it all feels Hearty running light. the second semester,mbt shoes, the teacher did not see a flood, a change of more than 50-year-old class teacher. She fell asleep, no matter whether the students, but she very good at using her supervision of students in the class schedule of work. I am in the above lecture, she walk the aisle in the classroom, while a booklet issued to students, while one by one to ask students to sign attendance, but also from time to time to whisper what some students. Students continue to figure in order to escape her see that I write on the blackboard writing on the blackboard. the third period, college students move more, and I for two large classes, each class has 200 students. One class is the class put together, there are four majors on the application of writing together. Since there are four classes, then have four class teacher, a class teacher Shangqie formidable, four class teachers that what a spectacular scene? Soon a school class, the students listening mood well, I was rather pleasant, lectures naturally looked very smooth. Office is on the left near the door, but the first two rows of five students in a student is constantly around the speech,true religion, billy natural super big t, urban cowboy dark, I glare several times they turn a blind eye to everything and said: \neither a textbook nor with any student who looks like school supplies, a few students to lead immediately to the door to confidential briefings, I just guessed, that person should be a class teacher. a class teacher with the class, the class teacher is always early. This is probably because there are four class teachers, we do not worry, each class teacher in my class, swaggered into the room, come in or my work at the school they started, the four class teachers in the classroom aisle in the shuttle, while students to the left of the point of this moment the right of students to the point of that, let me think of tea in the tea garden in the hard girl. Sometimes they would remain seated to sleep, I am more welcome them to sleep, at least not interfere with me, but they generally will not sleep for a long time, sleep enough, the young class teacher will open our arms to extend a hearty lazy waist, and then make a big yawn, accompanied by a really nice ah ah soon as sound. Sitting for a long time, it is inevitable within the emergency, he always walk proudly away from the podium in the past using the toilet, and then walk proudly pass the podium back to his seat. He should be on every class of two back to the toilet, look for my anger did not turn his eyes look even. These are all I can tolerate the range, but once he was gone too far. I talked a little class, humor, students have not had time to laugh, his seat literally laughed when I almost took the blackboard brush in hand hit his head. Later learned that the class teacher with the electrical professional classes, with class teachers, including only 9 individuals. 9 people in the five individuals to the normal to the course, one of which is the class teacher. a large class of two large classes are the same in other professions, only one class teacher, on the whole course of this class more enjoyable. But the class teacher is also a fault, always in my lecture about 20 minutes left when the side of the podium went to the same low voice as joint agents asked me: \40 \ class teacher in the end do? I am somewhat confused. More articles related to topics: ed hardy clothes Firecrackers in the true religion jeans women Love of _799 Miscellaneous discount ugg boots Than _1923

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