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قديم 08-13-2010, 03:02 AM
data offer picture forum

of: Chen Liang Beijing market】 【Casio H10 (data offer picture forum) this camera to slim body and large lens of the combination of light changes,total video converter, favored by consumers. The follow-up New Casio H15 (data offer picture forum) still continue this good tradition, it has 14 million pixels of imaging power, anti-shake lens and 10x optical zoom 24mm wide-angle performance contains. Processor upgrade for the new EXILIM Engine 5.0 high performance engine, 3.0-inch 460,dvd to iphone video converter,000 pixel LCD display clear and delicate. I know in the market today, this telephoto camera price has dropped to 1,790 yuan, with a higher cost, while buyers are now also comes with the camera package. Click the picture to view the Casio H15 Details Casio H15 sensitivity to ISO64-3200, also incorporates a CCD shift anti-shake feature senior and super- strong battery life, full of power can take about 1000 photos, is absolutely in the power master card machine. Upgrade intelligent automatic mode, so taking pictures easier, automatic analysis of select scenes,mod video converter, adjust exposure, ISO sensitivity, focus and color, while optimizing noise reduction, so that the user simply presses the shutter can get pretty pictures. Allegedly, Casio H15 autofocus speed is very fast, only 0.17 seconds to complete focus. Click the picture to view the Casio H15 Details Casio H15 can shoot 720p HD video. Casio features of beauty as a model, beautiful model, dynamic image synthesis and other functions that surround us. The new art of photography features also become more fun when shooting. The machine body thickness of 24mm (excluding protruding parts), battery and memory card and weighs about 206 grams. Editor Comments: has a card body telephoto skill Casio H15, H10 relative to the previous model, the effective pixels, image processors and the quality of the LCD screen, have made considerable progress. And now the price is relatively low, if you wish to purchase before the shot H10 yet, may wish to pay attention to H15 up. [Reference price] 1790 yuan [business address] Zhongguancun E World C, 6 layer C651A Room [Phone] 010-82484958,82484968
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