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قديم 08-14-2010, 03:10 AM
اخر صدارت متصدر الحمايه BitDefender 2011 AntiVirus / Internet Security / Total Security

BitDefender AntiVirus 2011
BitDefender Internet Security 2011
BitDefender Total Security 2011

البرنامج الرائع BitDefender هذا البرنامج يوفر لك حماية من الفيروسات وملفات التجسس وهجمات سرقة ملفات الهويه بدون ابطاء للكمبيوتر البرنامج يحميك من جميع انواع الفيروسات وفيروسات البريد يفحص ايضا جميع صفحات الانترنت ورسائل البريد وجميع الرسائل الفوريه وله معدل اكتشاف لا نهائى للفيروسات يحميك من مخاطر ملفات التجسس يقوم بحمايتك من صفحات الانترنت التى تقوم بسرقه ملفات الهويه الخاصه بك البرنامج ايضا يدعم Game Mode وله مميزات كبيرة جدا لا يمكن وصفها كما انه يجلعك محميا تماما من اي فيروسات او تروجانات وله قدره مزهله علي اكتشافها وتخليصك منها

BitDefender provides security solutions to satisfy the protection requirements of today's computing environment, delivering effective threat management to home and corporate users. BitDefender Antivirus is a powerful antivirus and antispyware tool with features that best meet your security needs. Ease of use and automatic updates make BitDefender Antivirus an ‘install and forget’ product.


جوائز البرنامج

Recommended system requirements:
* Windows XP
SP2, Vista, Windows 7
* Available free hard disk space
: 600 MB free space
* Intel CORE Duo
(1.66 GHz) or equivalent processor
* RAM:
o 1GB (Windows XP and Windows 7)
o 1.5 GB (Windows Vista
* 600 MB available hard disk space
* Internet Explorer 7


New and Improved in BitDefender 2010:
* More Protection! Many of today's stealth viruses are designed to avoid antivirus detection by initially laying dormant only to attack your PC when it is most vulnerable. BitDefender 2010 features a cutting-edge security system, Active Virus Control, which constantly monitors all of the processes on your PC, 24/7, blocking any malicious behavior before it can cause any damage.
* More Speed! The abundance of new viruses calls for faster ways to detect them. BitDefender's Optimized Scanning avoids the scanning of files that are known to be safe. The result? BitDefender 2010 scans your PC in half the time needed by previous versions, while using less resources.
* Easier to Use! Whether you're a security expert or a novice, with the new BitDefenderUser Profiles you can easily manage your PC's security. The product interface adapts to the chosen profile and provides quick access to the main security functionalities you are most likely to need (Parental Controls for parents, or Gamer Mode for gamers).
BitDefender 2010 also features three dashboard views – Novice, Intermediate, and Expert - to better accommodate users with different levels of PC knowledge.
* Improved Parental Control. The Parental Control module features a newly added reporting system allowing parents to view what websites their children visit. Moreover, parents can set specific time intervals in which their children are allowed to access the Internet or use certain applications.
* Improved Intrusion Detection. BitDefender detects and blocks attempts to change critical system files or registry entries on your PC and warns you about attacks performed by code injection (DLL injection).
* Improved In-Product Technical Support. You can get answers to the most common product-related questions or contact technical support directly from the product using its easy-to-use self-service module.

BitDefender AntiVirus 2011 x86
Size : 248 MB


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part 2


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من قلب BitDefender اقدم لكم BitDefender Total Security v11 مع شرح البرنامج بالكامل !! amrsaid2007 أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 12 10-12-2009 02:50 PM

الساعة الآن 01:15 AM.

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