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العودة   عيون العرب - ملتقى العالم العربي > ~¤¢§{(¯´°•. العيــون الساهره.•°`¯)}§¢¤~ > أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه

أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه هنا توضع المواضيع الغير مكتملة او المكرره في المنتدى او المنقوله من مواقع اخرى دون تصرف ناقلها او المواضيع المخالفه.

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قديم 08-17-2010, 07:18 AM
firstclr pitney bowes 797-0

Product Description,天利打印兼容墨盒Pitney Bowes 797-0 compatible red inkjet cartridge designed for the Pitney Bowes MailStation K700 inkjet printers (400 - 800 impressions) Firstcolor Enterprise Limited (FIRSTCOLOR IMAGE LTD) provide postage machine cartridges,XEROX富士施乐硒鼓, Pitney Bowes compatible with the U.S. Postal production company postage machine cartridges; Postage machine cartridge can provide the following models: DM100iDM200 DM500 DM800 797-0 793-5 765-3 765-9 621-1 766-8Brent 008613075693069 firstclr@gmail.comGenuine Pitney Bowes mailstation™ (K700) Red Ink Cartridge797-0 Specifications table Color Red Manufacturer Compatible Type Compatible Part No. 797-0 Category InkJet Cartridges OEM compatibility Pitney Bowes Number of pages up to 800 impressions By buying Pitney Bowes 797-0 InkJet Cartridges from PriceLess-InkJet, we guarantee you the best quality you can get. We can assure you,天利源品牌打印耗材, you will receive your Pitney Bowes 797-0 at your location right on time, with no hidden costs. Please be advised,珠海打印兼容墨盒, that we are always ready to assist you with installing your Pitney Bowes 797-0 and will answer any questions about it,3119, or any other of our products. If you are not fully satisfied with the Pitney Bowes 797-0 InkJet Cartridges you have purchased from PriceLess-InkJet, we are ready to give your money back or replace it with another Pitney Bowes 797-0 InkJet Cartridges. For full product list,珠海兄弟墨盒工厂, please visit Priceless Inkjet Cartridges Product reference[/b]Use the following information if you'd like to order by phone: OEM Number: 797-0 Item: Pitney Bowes 797-0 Compatible InkJet Cartridge Inventory ID: PB:797-0-C PIC Toll-free: www.firstcolorltd.com www.firstclr.com www.firstcolorinc.com 相关的主题文章: pitney bowes 797-0 Pitney Bowes Post Ink Cartridge firstclr PITNEY BOWES K700 RED INKJET WWW.FIRSTCLR.COM pitney bowes 797-0 珠海天利打印耗材有限公司 Pitney Bowes Post Ink Cartridge

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