Dennis Kunkel Microscopy, Inc. Science Stock Photography Home Assignment Photography | Video and Animation | About Dennis Kunkel | Contact Us | Light Box Education Site Quick Search Find images by keywordAdvanced Search Latest Scientific Stock Photography ImagesJune 2010 Log In E-mail address:Password
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Confocal Microscope, Fungi, Insects, Invertebrates, Medical, Miscellaneous, Plants, Protozoa, Vertebrates, and Viruses. Biological, medical and general sciences images are available for licensed, rights-managed, non-exclusive use.• Contact us if you can't find an image. Our archives contain thousands of black & white micrographs (colorizations available). • Assignment Photography - Contact us for custom scientific imaging of samples and products. Dennis Kunkel Ph.D has over 35 years of microscopy expertise in biological and medical sciences. Unauthorized Use Prohibited (see Image Use) Quick Browse By Category Please SelectAll categoriesAlgaeArachnidsBacteriaCrystalsFungi and Slime MoldsInsectsMedicalMisc. InvertebratesMisc. VertebratesMiscellaneousPlantsProtozoaViruses Below you will find 13 categories in our scientific stock photography library. Click on the category to see light
microscope and electron microscopy images. Included are biomedical microscopy photos and microscopic pictures of biology. Algae are aquatic photosynthetic organisms. Microscopic algae are a component of plankton. See - single celled (Euglena); diatom; dinoflagellate, toxic (Gambierdiscus); colonial (Volvox, Synura); and filamentous (Spirogyra, Zygnema). Arachnids have chelicerae mouthparts. See dust mite (allergen), chigger,
Measuring Microscope, bird, Varroa bee,
microscope for sale, and rabbit ear mite. See a spider silk gland (spinneret), a garden and jumping spider and the brown recluse. The tick is an ectoparasite including deer, lone star, American and brown dog tick. Bacteria have rod, coccoid and spiral shapes. Bacteria are associated with food poisoning (Salmonella, Clostridium); intestinal infection; (E.coli 0157); skin infection (Staphylococcus, Streptococcus) and oral infection (Porhyromonas). We have biomedical photos of antibiotic resistant forms (MRSA and VRE). Crystals include microscopic details of: antibiotics (streptomycin, penicillin); drugs (aspirin, methamphetamine, caffeine, nicotine); vitamins, hormones (insulin, testosterone, progesterone, adrenalin); neurotransmitters (dopamine, GABA, serotonin); insecticides and herbicides (DDT, Diazinon, Malathion). Fungi are heterotrophic and form either a single cell, or hyphae that are multicellular and/or filamentous (yeast, mushroom, mold). Allergenic mold and toxic mold cause human disease (asthma, lung infection, skin infection, and athlete's foot). Insects (invertebrates) exist in most environments – see microscope photos of: bee, butterfly, beetle, wasp. Some insects are destructive pests: weevil, ant, louse, termite, cockroach – or are disease vectors: mosquito (malaria) and flea (plague). Medical includes red blood cell, white blood cell, clot, T lymphocyte, platelet, heart muscle, capillary, small intestine, microvilli, liver cell, nose, lung, stem cell,
Optical microscope - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, tendon, muscle cell, skeletal muscle, kidney, collagen, neuron, neurotransmitter, human sperm, human egg, bone, hair, tooth, nucleus, SALE Microscopes Microscope Accessories Microscopy Lab Equipment Laboratory Supplies Instruments, mitochondria and other electron microscopy biomedical images. Misc. Invertebrates are animals without spines. See mollusc (octopus, snail), worm, flatworm (tapeworm), roundworm, fluke, jellyfish. Cestodes and trematodes are parasites that carry disease. The nematode (Caenorhabditis) is a soil organism. Misc. Vertebrates include: tadpole,
HowStuffWorks How Light Microscopes Work , frog skin, frog breathing spiracle, frog foot, fish skin, fish neuromast, fish sensory cell, shark skin (denticle); gecko (foot hairs); cat tongue (papillae, taste bud). Miscellaneous includes natural and manmade objects. See watch cog, needle, razor blade, carbon nanotube, asbestos, dust, fabric, kitchen sponge, feather, pet dander, lichen, salt, sugar, cat hair, and sand. Plants include trees, grasses, ferns, mosses. Leaf surfaces often have trichomes that protect the plant (lavender, nettle). Stomata in the leaf surface facilitate gas exchange. Cellulose in plant cell walls is used to produce paper. Other images include: seeds – germination and surfaces, root hairs, petals, and pollen. Protozoa can be heterotrophic or autotrophic, are motile and single-celled. Paramecium is a ciliated protozoan. Plasmodium is a parasite (malaria). Trypanosoma (trypanosome) causes trypanosomiasis. Leishmania causes human disease (leishmaniasis). Other parasites include: Giardia, Entamoeba and Trichomonas. Enterocytozoon bieneusi causes intestinal infections in AIDS patients. Viruses are submicroscopic particles that must use a host cell to replicate. A virus that infects a bacterium is a bacteriophage (T4, Listeria). Viruses cause human disease such as AIDS, herpes, influenza, hepatitis, small pox and the common cold. See also – polio, rotavirus, HIV,
microscopes australia, rhinovirus, tobacco mosaic, HTLV-1 and rhabdovirus. Dennis Kunkel Microscopy, Inc. is a scientific stock photography agency (science stock photography,
australia microscope, science stock photographs / pictures) featuring biology, medical and biomedical microscopy photos / pictures taken with light microscopes (LM) and electron microscopes (transmission electron microscope - TEM; scanning electron microscope - SEM). Microscopy photographs (science images, electron microscope images, photomicrographs, microscopy photos, microscope photos, microscopic pictures) are available for use in editorial and commercial formats. Image categories include Algae, Arachnids, Bacteria, Crystals, Fungi, Insects, Invertebrates, Medical, Miscellaneous, Plants, Protozoa, Vertebrates and Viruses. Home Light Box Copyright © 2009 Dennis Kunkel Microscopy, Inc. and other copyright holders. All rights reserved, protected under U.S. Copyright. No images or graphics on this site may be used without written permission of their respective owners. For licensing, contact Dennis Kunkel (scientific stock photography, science images, science stock photography, electron microscopy images, biomedical microscopy photos, microscopic pictures,
microscope Microscope & Magnifier Shop Microscopes, Digital, microscope photos).