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عيون التهاني و الترحيب بالأعضاء المستجدين القسم يهتم بالاعضاء الجدد ويسمح لهم بالتعريف عن انفسهم , والتعارف والمواضيع الودية بين أعضاء المنتدى

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قديم 08-19-2010, 09:36 PM
Ugg Boot Luxury Secrets

You’ve found the world’s most comfortable UGG boots. The thicker merino sheepskin used in our UGG boots cools your toes in summer and warms in winter to produce a supremely comfortable 22 degree constant temperature. Unlike other footwear,cheap ugg boots, UGG boots are made from a natural insulator. Constantly circulating air prevents heat exchange keeping you comfortable regardless of the temperature. With thicker sheepskin we offer greater insulation, comfort and strengthWhile nearly all UGG boots appear the same,UGG Classic, there is a vast difference between those that will feel like heaven around your toes and the smelly sweaty variety. The remarkable properties of sheepskin fibres are responsible for the legendary comfort of sheepskin UGG boots. What is the secret then? Among sheepskin there is a vast difference in comfort levels. Merino sheepskin, although rarely used by UGG boot manufacturers, possesses a much finer grading of fibres.Among other benefits, finer fibres result in far superior comfort and feel. Thicker fibres are scratchy,wholesale ugg, not as great at insulating body temperature and not as strong. This is why there is no greater indulgence for your toes than our lush merino sheepskin
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